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U.S. Men's National Soccer (Official Thread)

An unexpected update.
USA Soccer is moving its operations and training center to Atlanta.

While Atlanta United is a popular MLS team, I’m a bit surprised. It’s not like there is an abundance of soccer players being developed in the American south?

Arthur Blank, owner of the Falcons, Atlanta United and former Co-Chairman of Home Depot has made a very generous donation to the new facility. And Mercedes Benz stadium will host a WC Semi final (and group games) in the upcoming WC.

But this is a surprise
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Fucking control arms are out too. They are not my cup of tea
Easy job. But you probably should get an alignment.

Now if your tires are older and no pull, you can put it off for a bit. Upper arms you are probably ok without an alignment if its good otherwise. On my truck I just put it on my calendar to check.

My wife and kid drive BMWs so there's a different set of rules for xdrive etc.
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