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U.S. Men's National Soccer (Official Thread)

Probably the CONCACAF team with the most upward trajectory. Lots of guts.

I definitely appreciate how they played and carried themselves on the field. Virtually no shenanigans, even with Miazga bitching it up during the shootout. I’ve got zero qualms about hoping they win on Sunday….but especially if they are playing Mexico. :lol:
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Busio will be a fringe starter. Same for Miles Robinson. Mihailovic and Reynolds can make a 23 man.

So there are some dudes. I’m being a bit harsh on them. Hasn’t been pretty but if they find a way to a final, then they showed something for the program.

Edit- realize you may have been talking current on field players. Some had subbed out so you’re not wrong.
We're on 26 now anyway right?
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