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U.S. Men's National Soccer (Official Thread)

Cherundolo doesn’t I completely agree but this is USSF. They rehired Gregggggg after an 18 month “search”

Well, my hope against hope is they go for an 18 month manager... what do I mean by that, well, there's not much time left until your team is locked in for WC, maybe 18 mos, and there's not really any meaningful matches since they don't actually have to qualify, but it needs to be someone who can quickly disrupt the culture and then install a plan to succeed. I don't think system coaches would necessarily work (Thomas Tuchel for example and we saw Berhalter quickly dispose of his "system" when he realized he just doesn't have enough time with the guys for them to perfect it.) but I do think from a mental perspective its fine to have someone with a short shelf life and I would prefer a coach who is a good teacher of tactics (So, NOT a Klinsmann type), we still have a young group, believe it or not.
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My own personal hope is that we promote the guy coaching the Olympic Team.

For those of you unaware - he's a Serbian who has spent time in MLS and abroad.

1). Somebody already inside USA Soccer
2). Already worked with established players and firmly aware of young and upcoming talent
3). Has international tournament experience

Now all of this is predicated on a successful run in Paris, but it would seem like a natural promotion
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good realistic list...no Klopp isn't listed:
1. Herve Renard
2. pellegrino matarazo
3. Hugo Perez
4. Wilfrid Nancy
5. Marcello Gallardo

@BigWoof31 no thanks to that guy... leaves off some of the most creative talent the US has (Luna)

@AKAK we need someone for the next two years... thats it... quick get the job done build excitement dont flame out, so that we can build from there towards 2030.... 2026 is about not getting grouped ... I think we're aligned on this....
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@AKAK we need someone for the next two years... thats it... quick get the job done build excitement dont flame out, so that we can build from there towards 2030.... 2026 is about not getting grouped ...
Yes, I thought I emphasized this but I completely agree. I see Herve Villachaise oops I mean Renard get brought up a lot. (For the record I don't think that Nancy's system/style is doable for national teams, again, I see it as an every day kind of system that you need to sorta breathe. Also, being honest, it probably doesn't fit the personnel as it is, and probably also requires asking a lot of what are probably our shallowest positions. Remember, if you're the Haslams and the Crew, if you have weak areas, you can just go buy players to beef those up. That said, has Nancy gotten a huge amount out of a group of wingers you never heard of? Yeah, but they had to redo the whole CB position basically and we're not exactly dripping with athletic CB's at the moment. I do think the forward pool would be fine in it though)
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Yes, I thought I emphasized this but I completely agree. I see Herve Villachaise oops I mean Renard get brought up a lot. (For the record I don't think that Nancy's system/style is doable for national teams, again, I see it as an every day kind of system that you need to sorta breathe. Also, being honest, it probably doesn't fit the personnel as it is, and probably also requires asking a lot of what are probably our shallowest positions. Remember, if you're the Haslams and the Crew, if you have weak areas, you can just go buy players to beef those up. That said, has Nancy gotten a huge amount out of a group of wingers you never heard of? Yeah, but they had to redo the whole CB position basically and we're not exactly dripping with athletic CB's at the moment. I do think the forward pool would be fine in it though)
from the "realistic names" thrown out there... Herve might be my #1 choice... agree with Wilfred.... he would be exciting as the next coach after this won with time to build but not now...
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Why, and I am sure there's a good reason, are the pie in the sky types not throwing around Yogi Low? He has specifically said he wants to coach a team in the 26 wc
damn... forgot about him.... USSF is likely still pissed off at Jurgen trying to change things too much to go after his more successful successor....
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from the "realistic names" thrown out there... Herve might be my #1 choice... agree with Wilfred.... he would be exciting as the next coach after this won with time to build but not now...
He may look like Francisco Scaramanga but he's name after Nick Nack, so that worries me
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Looks like everybody has a list of names:

Who should coach USMNT next? 16 replacements for Berhalter​

It's clear the U.S. men's national team needs a new direction. Since the 2022 World Cup, when the USMNT exited in the round of 16 against a superior Netherlands side, there has been little to no evidence of progression. In fact, it looks like the USMNT has been regressing over the past two years.

Recent subpar results have been largely papered over, and everyone continued to believe the talent level of this U.S. side alone is enough. A second-leg loss to Trinidad & Tobago in the Concacaf Nations League didn't matter because the USMNT advanced on aggregate anyway. A terrible performance against Jamaica in the Nations League ended with the Americans being bailed out by a last-minute Jamaica own goal. The 5-1 shellacking by Colombia was "only" a pre-Copa America friendly.

But after the USMNT got knocked out in the group stage of the Copa America following losses to Panama and Uruguay -- plus a not-big-enough win over lowly Bolívia -- those previous poor performances look like ignored warning signs.

Whenever the discussion of moving on from coach Gregg Berhalter has come up, it has inevitably turned to: "Well, who is going to replace him?" The prevailing narrative has been that there aren't any coaches better than Berhalter whom the U.S. Soccer Federation can try to hire.

With that in mind, ESPN reporters/analysts Jeff Carlisle, Luis Miguel Echegaray, Cesar Hernandez, Lizzy Becherano, Tim Vickery, Caitlin Murray and Bill Connelly offer up 16 candidates U.S. Soccer should consider as possible replacements for Berhalter. With a World Cup on U.S. soil coming quickly in 2026, U.S. Soccer has little time to spare.

Jurgen Klopp

David Wagner

Steve Cherundolo

Wilfried Nancy

Jim Curtin

Hugo Perez

Javier Aguirre

Matias Almeyda

Marcelo Gallardo

Tab Ramos

José Pékerman

Patrick Vieira

Hervé Renard

Mauricio Pochettino

Thomas Tuchel

Thomas Frank

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