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U.S. Men's National Soccer (Official Thread)

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I mean, if Weah doesn't punch a guy in the head, maybe US wouldn't be in this position.
I love soccer. I love playing soccer. I love the intensity of watching GOOD soccer.

If a guy push punching somebody on the other team can impact a team this much, the rules are broken. It's why there's so much diving and histrionics and bullshit. Men's soccer on the biggest stage is nothing but fake tough guys prancing around and pretending. It's like WWE, but worse. At least those scripted outcomes involve actual tough guys. These scripted outcomes just involve corrupt officials, corrupt FIFA, and teams full of Matthew Tkachuck and Brad Marchand. Every aspect of soccer comes down to who can trick the world's most idiotic refs. That's all it is.
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Why…. why …. this right here is reason #183245125 Greggg has to go…. He was playing for a draw. In fact some of the post game pressers made it even worse… this team is buttery soft and comfortable see Turner’s “I’m happy with the direction we’re headed” . Of course he is… he’s got a bum leg and is still starting… Turner doesn’t want to be pushed, all the players love him and would run through a brick wall… we’ve seen that before players coaches rarely workout, the fact that Pulisic et al were consulted on the hiring makes them look bad too.

I mean, if Weah doesn't punch a guy in the head, maybe US wouldn't be in this position.
I’ll say it again…. doesn’t matter, they were still up 1-0 in that match, at a minimum should have held them to a draw…

the whole lot of USSF coaches and directors needs to be canned… but as with everything else in sports & business… nothing changes until the cash starts drying up….

I’m sure they’ll take another 18 months to carefully review and come back and say well Gregggg is the best guy for the job in ‘26 right before the start of the world cup.

the US soccer system is broken from top to bottom but wont be fixed until the money is gone….

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