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U.S. Men's National Soccer (Official Thread)

My soccer following is mostly the PL in Britain. Watching this CONCACAF shit reminds me why. Whoever goes to the WC out of this group is irrelevant. It's trash soccer.

And don't even get me started on MLS.
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He must have heard footsteps. And what you can't see is often worse than what you can. But its his job to be aware. Its not a defender up there.

Also, Clint is hittin dat
Clint hits that with a Newport in one hand. And a rod in the other

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My soccer following is mostly the PL in Britain. Watching this CONCACAF shit reminds me why. Whoever goes to the WC out of this group is irrelevant. It's trash soccer.

And don't even get me started on MLS.

This is a trash take. First you are comparing club soccer with international soccer, and please let me know when you watch all your favorite premier league teams all the way through FA or Europa and get their asses fouled off by the best of the rest of Super Lig.

Trash soccer? Dude you watch college football. C'mon
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