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2025 TX WR Dakorien Moore (LSU Decommit, Oregon Commit)

I really thought he had his own thread. If I’m blind and missed, feel free to merge.

"Devin Sanchez is coming on strong. As soon as he committed, he's been trying to flip me.
I'd definitely like to play with him. Ohio State is coming on very strong.
I feel like they know what they are doing just talking with them."
Papa Sanchez also helping out the Buckeyes

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Update (Per Birm):

- Visiting next week (and likely June if the first visit goes well)
- Moore says OSU tried to build a relationship a year ago but it just never panned out because of schedules. But recently, the OSU coaches and him have been talking more and slowly building a bond.
- The Sanchez family has been heavily involved in recruiting him to OSU

- Birm & Ellis both feel it’s likely down to OSU or Texas
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Fingers crossed, but this would be absolute highway robbery. With Smith in the last class, Moore could be the Robbin to Batman. The Egbuka to the Harrison Jr. The G Wilson to the Olave. The Michael Thomas to the Devin Smith. The Anthony Gonzales to the Teddy Ginn. The...you get where I am going.

Jokes aside, this could be a big win if it goes down. Hard not to get excited about Noland, Saying and/or St. Clair throwing the ball to this kid...you have to think that factors in.
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