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2026 TX OL Felix Ojo(Verbal Offer)

Ohio State to host 2026 DL

2026 four-star offensive tackle, Felix Ojo (Mansfield, TX / Lake Ridge) spoke with Bucknuts on Monday, and it was reported that he plans to use an official visit with the Buckeyes during next year’s official visit season.

While Ojo has a lot of time left in his recruitment, he already has a solid relationship formed with the Buckeyes. Ojo visited Columbus earlier this summer for a summer camp, and he left the weekend with an official scholarship offer from them. The fact that he is already planning on using an official visit with Ohio State is a good sign for the Buckeyes.

Ohio State is not alone in its pursuit of Ojo, and he is being courted by the likes of Alabama, Georgia, LSU, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Baylor, Duke, Florida State, USC, Oregon, Penn State, etc.
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