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ttun Shenanigans, Arguments, and Emasculated Cucks (2019 thread)

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trying to soak all this in right now but at work


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Discussing that Mattison and Washington bring to Ohio State inside information

January 8th, 2019 at 2:47 PM ^

Completely agreed. Not that they've needed it [the inside info] over the last .... well a long time. Things like this really make "The Game" not even relevant next year....

But, I still don't see "We quit" so.. fuck em...
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As I mentioned on HairbaLLLL's thread, DFBIA throwing out replacement names...... All have a common theme... a return to yesteryear...

So they roast on Ohio State for having coaches with "questionable morals"..........yet want to bring back the guy who recklessly oversaw a players death. Niiiiiiiiiice.
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