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ttun basketball (Juwan out, Dusty May in)

jwinslow;1892214; said:
Besides the on-court rivalry, Rose said in the film he felt Duke didn't recruit black players like him, only those who were "Uncle Toms." Patrick pointed out that Duke did recruit Chris Webber.

"We would've welcomed him with open arms," Hurley said.
duke definitely wanted webber. i've had a number of conversations with the head team manager of the '91 and '92 duke teams. he is a very, very close friend of grant hill and has coach k on his cell phone. anyway, he stated that webber was the whitest black guy that he had run across during his time at duke. that's saying a lot.
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So...should every white kid that can play basketball call out fellow Caucasians that do not attend Kansas or Duke?

Just trying to follow along with Jalen's logic here since we are labeling schools according to the Jim Crow Almanac.

Pathetic commentary from Jalen...but somehow, it seems contrived to stir interest for a very blah documentary.

The Fab 5 is a great subject for a documentary...but this was a waste.
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Wilbon weighs in:



Anyway, I'm not going to get into an in-depth examination of the "The Fab Five" here because I believe their contribution to modern-day basketball has been somewhat overstated, especially because Georgetown's cultural impact in the previous decade lasted longer and was 100 times greater. The important yield of the "Fab Five" for my tastes were Juwan Howard and Jalen Rose, in large part because they came from such deprivation and have, through work and ingenuity, made so much of their lives. (I purposely didn't include Chris Webber because he did NOT come from any kind of deprivation and to say he did does a great disservice to his father and mother, who worked productive careers and made good money by any standard of black life in America ... and anything you hear to the contrary is just junk. And it does not reduce Webber's considerable intellect and career successes one iota. It's just that Webber, like me, was a lot closer to Theo Huxtable than J.J. Evans in "Good Times.") Rose is one of the most well-respected and liked people at ESPN precisely because he works so diligently and has such a tolerance about him.

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Jason Whitlock
@WhitlockJason Jason Whitlock
6/7 yrs ago New Orleans paper broke down w/reporting & legit sourcing how Duke hoops funneled money/jobs to players' families. No outrage.

it's just a shame that nobody wants to take on Duke with an investigation. they act like they are above all this, yet they're the only team I know of that had a player take money and didn't have to vacate wins. They are untouchable.
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Moving over to the "women's" side of UM hoops for a second:

:slappy:at Michigan's season ending at the hands of Eastern Michigan last night. Hey, they DID finish third in the MAC west...and don't feel bad, you're still the second best team in the greater Ann Arbor area.
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This is a good win for Michigan...I thought the generous seed would do them in. Playing against Duke (barring a catastrophic Duke loss vs Hampton) will be a mountain to climb, for sure.

Take care of Duke and that'll make our side of the bracket that much easier :biggrin:
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