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Game Thread tOSU vs. Western M*ch*g*n, Sep 26 2015 @ 3:30 ET, ABC/ESPN2

After we destroy the 2nd half I hope urban shows the video of that fucking clown from wmu telling his team prior to the game we have never won a NC when starting ranked number one.

I will forever hope that wmu gets plungered every game they play until that Douche canoe is gone
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Well no turnovers, defense has come alive with a fat man pick six, and what can i say about special teams other than it's the most impressive half I've seen in awhile.

Take the second half kickoff and shove it down their throats all the way past the anus.
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CJ held the ball too long for that situation. Wouldn't have been a chance for that call if he throws it away before he's being tackled.

Still in the pocket and threw it into the stands. No one would be questioning that call had it been WMU on offense.
He threw it into the stands right over t a receiver it's not grounding EVER. Let alone that joke of a 3rd down throw they got that wasn't called
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Sloppy first half. Offense looks much better (how could they not), but still struggle at times with identity and understanding how to best get their playmakers the ball. Cardale looks better, more decisive, but he doesn't have great feel in the pocket.

Biggest difference between this game and the past two are the big plays they've gotten. Still lack consistency.
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CJ held the ball too long for that situation. Wouldn't have been a chance for that call if he throws it away before he's being tackled.

Still in the pocket and threw it into the stands. No one would be questioning that call had it been WMU on offense.

Bullshit. Had it not been called on WMU, it'd be obvious as to why. That call was inexcusable regardless of the fact that Cardale never should've been in that situation.
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45-6 would be a pretty nice ending.

All things considered not a bad spot we're in.

I can see why they ate MSU's DBs up now though. Serious motion by those WRs with great hands and an accurate QB.
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