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Game Thread tOSU vs. Maryland (Homecoming), Sat 10/10 @ 12p ET, BTN

The Terps only put 105 yards total offense on TSUN, rushing 26 times for 29 yards. The previous game, they put 601 yards but only 6 points on the Mountaineers, rushing 59 times for 304 yards. They're a bit north of 300 right now, with 33 rushes for 229 yards.

It's not all that bad, but I'll feel a bit better with a Buckeye stop right here.
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So, this Nick kid is supposed to be even better? Excellent.
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The Terps only put 105 yards total offense on TSUN, rushing 26 times for 29 yards. The previous game, they put 601 yards but only 6 points on the Mountaineers, rushing 59 times for 304 yards. They're a bit north of 300 right now, with 33 rushes for 229 yards.

It's not all that bad, but I'll feel a bit better with a Buckeye stop right here.
Current QB wasn't playing against scUM, wait till you see what JT does to them.
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The Terps only put 105 yards total offense on TSUN, rushing 26 times for 29 yards. The previous game, they put 601 yards but only 6 points on the Mountaineers, rushing 59 times for 304 yards. They're a bit north of 300 right now, with 33 rushes for 229 yards.

It's not all that bad, but I'll feel a bit better with a Buckeye stop right here.

The big difference is Perry Hills, who was inexplicably on the bench their last 2 games while the offense struggled.
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