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Game Thread tOSU at Purdue, Noon ET Nov 12, BTN

Someone is going to have to explain to me why we are running wildcat plays when our QB can run as well as any back, and the threat of a pass exists in that case.

It seems like we just pull plays out of a hat at times.
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Maybe if I type it loud enough they will actually hear me and do it once in a while.

Guys open again. I don't think Braxton trusts his timing. If he throws on time there are guys getting open.
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Jake;2034430; said:
Someone is going to have to explain to me why we are running wildcat plays when our QB can run as well as any back, and the threat of a pass exists in that case.

It seems like we just pull plays out of a hat at times.

No no. We run the wildcat on first down every time, just do the opposing defense knows what's coming :biggrin:
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Jake;2034430; said:
Someone is going to have to explain to me why we are running wildcat plays when our QB can run as well as any back, and the threat of a pass exists in that case.

It seems like we just pull plays out of a hat at times.

Trying to understand Bollman's offense would take lots of alcohol and mind numbing drugs.
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