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tOSU at Notre Dame, Sat. 9/23, 7:30pm EST, NBC

See I don’t think we’ll struggle with their skill regardless whether we play with 3 safeties or 2. I think this is a game we can play with 3 LB and 4 in the secondary.

I’m a bit worried that Styles is a bit too light…. But we’ll see!
Sonny held up well against Georgia. And he laid the lumber on a receiver or TE on WKU last week. Isn't Styles 230 lbs? I think we might see more Melton this game, as well, as you suggested.
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Some things must never, ever change. This is one of them.

That was so long ago that Aggy hadn’t even won their most recent national title yet!
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I check Facebook about once a week these days, and I noticed I'm getting a little chirping from ND fans. I'm never seen them this confident since 1995, or when Brady Quinn and Charlie had a decided schematic advantage (until they didn't).

I've not responded. I'll respond after the game. If they win I'll congratulate them since I may or may not have given them a bit of grief after previous matchups. But if they lose...:evil:
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Put on your thinking caps and grab a drink, it's time for Friday Night Trivia.

Eleven Warriors is home to the most knowledgeable Buckeye fans on the planet. It is now time for you to prove it.
We’ll put together a 10-question quiz each week to test your knowledge of Ohio State football and its upcoming opponent. This week, we see how much you know about Notre Dame as the Buckeyes head to Notre Dame Stadium for the first time since 1996.
There are two simple rules: Please use your brain (not a search engine) and only play once.

Note: After you answer all of the questions, you must click on "Finish Quiz" to see your results.

Just sayin':

You scored 50%!​

My score was 5/10......:sad2:
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2018 - 7/20, 74 yards, 1 INT
2019 - DNP
2020 - 11/18, 182 yards
2021 - 27/43, 312 yards 1 TD, 1 INT
2022 - 22/29, 337 yards 6 TD's

The above is Sam Hartman's totals against Clemson's defense. Applicable because during his time at Wake, Clemson has the most "OSU like" defense.

I'll give him credit, he clearly improved but 2022 was against the worst Clemson team in a decade.
I'd probably put $20 on Ohio State -3, feels like if you hit this dude in the mouth, he's likely to screw things up.

This feels like a game where JTT needs to level up and stuff the stat sheet like he did against PSU last year.
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2018 - 7/20, 74 yards, 1 INT
2019 - DNP
2020 - 11/18, 182 yards
2021 - 27/43, 312 yards 1 TD, 1 INT
2022 - 22/29, 337 yards 6 TD's

The above is Sam Hartman's totals against Clemson's defense. Applicable because during his time at Wake, Clemson has the most "OSU like" defense.

I'll give him credit, he clearly improved but 2022 was against the worst Clemson team in a decade.
I'd probably put $20 on Ohio State -3, feels like if you hit this dude in the mouth, he's likely to screw things up.
I haven’t seen Hartman play much to have my own opinion, but I have heard TONS of hype about him, even when he was at Wake Forest. The media seems to love that kid for whatever reason. Maybe he is legit. Maybe not. I’ll say this however, even if Hartman is completely overrated, he definitely is a major step up from Buchner. So that’s probably one advantage ND this year has over what they had in the 2022 game.
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2018 - 7/20, 74 yards, 1 INT
2019 - DNP
2020 - 11/18, 182 yards
2021 - 27/43, 312 yards 1 TD, 1 INT
2022 - 22/29, 337 yards 6 TD's

The above is Sam Hartman's totals against Clemson's defense. Applicable because during his time at Wake, Clemson has the most "OSU like" defense.

I'll give him credit, he clearly improved but 2022 was against the worst Clemson team in a decade.
I'd probably put $20 on Ohio State -3, feels like if you hit this dude in the mouth, he's likely to screw things up.

There are two ways to look at Hartman:

One, he is a good college QB with lots of experience. That experience should only help him.

Two, after what he did in his 5th collegiate season, why the fuck is he still in college? :nerd:
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I hope they are ready. I mean, if not now, when?

Truthfully, im not that bothered by this game.
It's the one in November im concerned with. If we need to lose one to have some hard discussions ala 2014 VTech... so be it.

(not implying this is a championship season, just that you can lose an early OOC game that brings the team together and end up with a better team at the end than if you just kept barely scraping by)
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