This is a 100% true story. I got so tired of watching my daughter play soccer after 3 years of it. When it was time for her to play in the 6th grade, I asked her, "Do you like soccer?" She said, "Yeah." I asked her what she liked about it, and she said, "Playing with my friends." I then offered her 50 bucks cash on the spot to not play. She immediately said, "Deal" - and that was the end of my misery with that sport. The truth is I got off real cheap. I had $200 on me, and would have gone that high, and if she wanted $1000 I would have gone to the bank. Such was my desperation to avoid the dreaded soccer/OSU game conflict.
I can't watch the best players in the world play soccer, but watching tween girls play it was intolerable. I would rather have hemorrhoid surgery as to ever sit through another one of those games. Some soccer parents told me I was a bad father, but I figured if she REALLY wanted to play the sport, she would have passed on the $50. She never once said she missed it. She's 21 now and seems relatively undamaged by the bad fathering she had.