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Game Thread tOSU at Indiana - Oct 13, 8 ET, BTN

Pathetic. UAB all over again. These guys couldn't care less right now and are just walking around going nowhere fast. Better hope they have a good 2nd Q or they're going to be embarrassed in the morning. This is eventually going to catch up with them.
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Gothmog8;2233526; said:
Ok. So. That's it for Indy for the game. Lock them down D. oh and time to go answer with a TD

I have to commend you for your spirit regaurding our defense because I do not think that's 'it' for indy. That was too easy.

Indiana, looks like the hungrier team right now. They're playing so much faster and harder than ANY of our buckeyes. So far I'd say this team thought this was gonna be a walk over.
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