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Game Thread tOSU at Illinois, Oct 15th, 3:30 ET, ABC/EPSN

Wells4Heisman;2012788; said:

Basil! :oh:

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Saw31;2012778; said:
Nice draw around that dogleg...

Bucky Katt;2012779; said:
Hooks it in! :lol:

Heckuva kick by Drew!

Bestbuck36;2012781; said:
Shugarts got worked on that pass play. DE was around him with a quickness.

Come on Drew. HAHAHAHAHA, Beautiful draw on that one!

Jake;2012782; said:
Nice draw by Drew. :lol:

3-0 :osu:

One man's draw is another man's hook. :lol:
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1926Buckeyes;2012791; said:
Ok, wish they would've mixed it up so more inside the 40, but good kick, good to see some points being scored on the opening drive. Come on D.

Don't get your hopes up on seeing much passing unless we fall well behind in these conditions. We're going into the wind this quarter.
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