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tOSU 65, at West Va 71, Jan 23 2 ET, CBS

Good god, there is some asshole sitting near Keels and Stokes that will NOT shut up. It's making the radio broadcast almost unbearable.

Sounds like a pretty damn good first half.
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holybuckeye33;1648165; said:
At the game and the highlight for WVU fans so far has been that the old guy who had his jersey retired at halftime made his jump hook from 15 feet out. Hillbilly fans now chanting "suit him up".

Hell they aren't hitting 2s....they hit all the 3s it seems.....maybe they should suit him up :lol:
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Well, probably about as bad a first 90 seconds as we could have to start the second half.

Good time out by Thad, lead down to 40-34.
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Heard the tailgating outside the arena was pretty epic.

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