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tOSU +1.5 at Purdue (ov/un 135.5) Sun 1 ET, CBS

This is what I call a "fate" game. Nothing falls, one guy goes absolutely rediculous, calls that just seem to not go our wayy. Recipe for an upset.

Now, if we fall and with Kansas going down, Texas, Pitt, I still believe we are #1 with ONLY 2 losses against top 15 teams away. If they rank Texas ahead of us, I don't understand the polls with Texas having 4 losses, 2 vs non-ranked teams.
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You don't win road games by shooting 37% and turning the ball over almost 20 times. They should have been pounding it in to Sully the entire 2nd half.

Still possible to come back but they need to get on fire shooting, which I don't have confidence will happen.
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KingLeon;1877138; said:
Fucking frustrating is what this is.
it's been a long time since i've been this frustrated watching our team. no game this season has had the pathetic display that this one has. the team's focus and decision-making are piss-poor, but thad's short rotation is complicit.

i still think we are a true national title contender, but doubts are growing exponentially.
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OSU_Buckguy;1877152; said:
i still think we are a true national title contender, but doubts are growing exponentially.
Need to take today as a lesson and go back to the drawing board. Just sloppy in every facet. If they want to make a tournament run, or hell, even win the Big Ten, they need to get it together. They look awful all around.
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So, what we've got here is a potential loss (looking like it could be at least) on the road while playing a very poor game. Our other loss was ALSO on the road, but beaten by a solid basketball team while not playing a true "A game". As far as I can tell, that's about on par with the rest of the top 10, especially the likes of Kansas, Texas, Duke, Pitt. If indeed this turns out to be a loss (still holding out hope), then we're still top 3, still a near lock for a #1 seed and still #1 in the BigTen. So, not the end of the world by any stretch.

Still frustrating as hell.
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