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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I downloaded the 900mb version I found on torrentspy yesterday - watchable, but bad audio and blurry video (not too bad... but not good)...

I also downloaded the 2.1 gb version I found on isohunt.com (just type in ohio and you will get a list)... I looked at it real quick this morning, and it looks to be of good quality... There were only about 1 or 2 seeders yesterday, so it took forever to download, but it looks like the speed of it now is nice and fast... There were over 150 peers yesterday, so I'm sure there's a few more today...

I also saw a 3gb version, but knwo nothing about it...

Basically there's a bunch of versions out there... It would be nice to see the HD version, but I haven't found it yet...
Upvote 0
nutmeg7;667106; said:
The guy said the game is from November 18, 2006. I think he just wrote Michigan State by accident.

The guy says in the description that the resolution is only 352 x 272 & calls it "Relatively low quality" so I don't know what you were expecting. I guess you're yelling at me for not including that info in my post? Sorry, I thought it was obvious that a 900 MB version wouldn't be very good. The guy just threw it out there for people who wanted to see the games a.s.a.p., & I passed it along in case it might help somebody. Sorry if that upset you....

I wasn't yelling at you, nutmeg. I was in a big hurry this morning, and didn't really look at the context of what I had said after I posted.

I apologize for coming across as a jackass, and I hope you were not too offended.

By the way, the 2.11 GB version is pretty good. I just looked at it after I got home tonight.

Again, my apologies.
Upvote 0
Just so you know, I only allow 50 connections per torrent to help keep my router from crashing.

When you see the 0(1), it means that my seed is up, but that there are over 50 leechers (250 yesterday)
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arian1source - There are many different variables in the download speed with torrents.
1) You need to make sure no firewall is blocking you (a lot of times you will need to forward ports to the ports that you are using to download the torrents --- reference you torrent program to find out which ones it uses)...
2) The more you upload to others, the better your download will be as a general rule.
3) There needs to be multiple seeders for good speeds. Sometimes when a torrent is new, everyone will have slow speeds until more people get the completed file. You can't download what nobody has yet.
4) Make sure you have a few ports open so that multiple connections can take place -

Basically you can download even if a firewall is blocking you - Because the firewall is usually allowing you to ping them and therefore you can get some from them, but it won't allow them to ping you, so the program their using will tell them that you are not worth their time...

hope that helps a bit - look at material your torrent program puts out
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Super Jobs!!!

Thank you Tim! You are super!

"Words can't express how I feel right now" :biggrin: (just borrow from Troy)

Anyone will work on the alternate cover like 2005? I already have too
many requests look to have a collector edition for these years games
from oversea.

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