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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
R0CK3TM4NN;632038; said:
If the rumors are true and the game wont be available on cable (even in Columbus, which blows my mind) then Timbuck2 might be able to get a recording of the game because he has Directv.

Thank goodness for timBUCK2.:biggrin: I'm afraid I'm left to listen to the radio.:( That is unless someone wants to give http://www.orb.com/ a try and stream me the game.:) It appears they offer free software that allows one to stream content, including TV from a tuner card. I haven't ever tried it, but I did look it up on a few forums and it does appear legit (i.e., it works and doesn't bundle in crapware / spyware). For what it's worth I found orb on a "streaming TV" search following the opportunity to watch the Browns / Raiders game that was streamed via http://www.viidoo.com/en/index.php. That site is apparently a Chinese site that only requires the download of their media player. The media player seemed to be free of any malware. Being a Browns fan, I lucked out because the site offers only one CBS feed and it happened to be a west coast station.
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woodyhayes68;634478; said:
Btw, I don't think I've started one of your torrents this early before. That is a heck of a swarm.:biggrin: Very cool to watch with the "3D View" Azureus plug-in (I'm easily amused).:nerd:
I find myself just watching that too sometimes. :paranoid:

This swarm is the fastest one yet - it's pushing 2.5 MB/s
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