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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Right....I have downloaded, installed and that went fine. But for some reason WMP is not finding the codec on my computer it is going out and looking for it on the web. A little background info: I am a stubborn ass. I hate to not be able to figure things out. Very little sleep last night due to this little hangup.

Here is what went on.

Downloaded game, (Which only took about 2 hrs...awesome)

Found the avi files.

Forgot to download codec so it did not play.

Downloaded and installed codec.....still didn't play.

It installed it into Program files....does it need to be located in the WMP folder?

It is more the fixing the problem which is the challenge...I have a month to watch the game. Thanks for your help Rocket.
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When you download the divx codec, you get the player too:

A codec is what teaches your computer how to decipher the video format, the divx player is just like windows media player except a lot better in some senses. You should stick with WMP overall probably, but for playing divx files there is no comparison. Also, when you get the occasional video that has been captured wrong and is squished (like the Big Hits from teh alamo bowl posted elsewhere on BP)... you can change the aspect ratio and watch it perfectly normal.
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Hmm, but I'm ripping the games in xvid, not divx. Will the divx codec work for xvid movies? (You'd think I'd know the answer to that...)

Which leads me to another question. How many of you played the movies fine without having to download anything? How many of you downloaded the Xvid codec off the link on the first post?

Also, if you're having problems with the movie, I've found that Media Player Classic (has nothing to do with Windows Media Player) works really well for all sorts of divx, xvid, and other abscure media types. You can get it here.
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Thanks guys...Jwin I will try that when I get home....That sounds like less of a headache. I am not sure why the Xvid codec did not work but I am SURE it is nothing I did wrong. It never is....ask my wife. :wink2:

I should be watching the Alamo Bowl this evening. I am yet to see it on TV. Just from the stands.
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I'd really request that you do the next rip in divx. These videos are nice, but I can't watch them very large at all. The divx format should help in that regard, but that's just my personal preference.

Again I appreciate your efforts on this either way.
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I updated my version of azuereus yesterday and restarted. I re-started it and the games that I was seeding are no longer there. I went to file/open torrent and they were not in there. Then I went to file/my videos(which is where I saved the original files) and it just showed me a blank screen. How do I get the files back to seed? TIA
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justanotherbuck said:

I updated my version of azuereus yesterday and restarted. I re-started it and the games that I was seeding are no longer there. I went to file/open torrent and they were not in there. Then I went to file/my videos(which is where I saved the original files) and it just showed me a blank screen. How do I get the files back to seed? TIA
You should be able to go back to page 1 on this thread and click the torrent links again. Then just make sure you save the files in exactly the same place as before (like you're overwriting them)
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MSU game is up! One note though, in my genius I labeled the halves wrong, so the "First Half" is really the second half, and vice versa. Also the quality "should" be better, but for some reason, the second half doesn't seem that much better.

I should stop doing the "auto" mode and do everything manually.

But that's all the games I got. So the rest is up to you guys to get games up on bittorrent (until the season starts, in which case I'll be recording the games on my Media Center computer, and promptly uploading them!).
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Sorry if this has been asked already but...About how long does it end up taking to download a game? I am on a cable connection and just started downloading the OK state game. It says 1 day 3 hrs 55 min. I thought i had read that it speeds up and doesnt end up taking that long but am not totally sure.

Thanks in Advance
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It depends on how many seeds there are really. People get their connections dropped or turn off their computers, so it's only as fast as there are people to upload. Your best bet is to leave your computer on for a day or two and see if it gets done. Usually it will get done faster than you expect.
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Help with DVD creation

I have download the files and am trying to burn DVDs - it was mentioned previously that you could use DVD shrink without Nero to burn - I have Sonic Simple DVD maker that I use for burning. Is it possible to burn with this (or some freeware?) - It seems like Nero is not free.
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