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TORRENT MEGATHREAD - Full Game Downloads!

DVD Folder or ISO?

  • DVD Folder

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • ISO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Couple Questions

1) Can I turn my computer off tonight and continue the DL tomorrow?
2) I am downloading arouind 40 but not uploading anything...next to tracker status it says Connection Error (Timeout) but I am still downloading. I'm not very good w/ computers...what do I do?
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R0CK3TM4NN said:
The source is Mili's DVD's (so the best tv quality I guess) and I used AutoGK to convert them to Divx. The quality of the games are dictated by what the final output size I set them as. So for the first two, I made them 700 MB a half (IE 2 CD's a game) but then I realized people could download em faster than I thought so I made the MSU game 2.0 GB.

There are some weird problems with how the two halves got ripped in the MSU game so I guess that alone would warrant a redo at a higher quality. How does 3.0 GB a game sound? I think 1.5 GB a half should be much better quality.
Size really isn't an issue, I think, for most people using BitTorrent. IMHO, I'd like a higher quality archive-ready copy. These are pretty sharp in a window on my 21" monitor at my desk, but full screen on my HTPC connected to a 46" Toshiba HDTV and the pixelation under heavy motion is really quite a distraction. The MSU game quality is leaps and bounds better, but I would love to see it upped another notch. I'll be recording these direct to 4Gb DVD-Rs to save, so heck, make 'em as big as can be. 1Gb per quarter I say!!! :biggrin:
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I'm trying to figure out what the best format is for everyone - I wanna keep them as xvids so that everyone can view them somehow (everyone's got a computer, but not everyone has a dvd burner or a htpc). If I had unlimited CPU power I would convert all my recorded games to DVD images (.iso files that you burn straight to DVD's) as well as divx files. It takes about 4 hours to convert a game to xvid, so all that stuff needs to get done at night. Thoughts on this?

On another note, I recorded the Eagles-Steelers game yesterday and used DVRMS-Toolbox to automatically cut out the commercials and convert it to mpeg. Verdict: performs like a champ. Cut out ~40 minutes of commercials and the whole process took about an hour. It didn't get all the commercials, but about 90% of them, which is good enough for me.
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Ohio State Torrents @ ACC Videos.com

I am sure many of you are aware that the 2 OSU NC State games are availible for download over at accvideos.com

i am here to tell you that someone is currently seeding the 04 game, so you should sign up and download it, i am doing it currently but it is going slow, so i was thinking if alot of people would do it, we could get it done....also if you do help me out i will rip the 2004 indiana game asap, or i will rip the fiesta bowl, 03 or 04 i have both.

you can move this thread if you want to, i just wanted to make sure everyone can see it.
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R0CK3TM4NN said:
The source is Mili's DVD's (so the best tv quality I guess) and I used AutoGK to convert them to Divx. The quality of the games are dictated by what the final output size I set them as. So for the first two, I made them 700 MB a half (IE 2 CD's a game) but then I realized people could download em faster than I thought so I made the MSU game 2.0 GB.

There are some weird problems with how the two halves got ripped in the MSU game so I guess that alone would warrant a redo at a higher quality. How does 3.0 GB a game sound? I think 1.5 GB a half should be much better quality.
I think these are great quality and I would prefer the 1.5 GB range than 3 GB. If you set it that high you might as well just be making DVD iso's. If you keep it at 700MB a half people with cd burners can fit a half on a disc and people with dvd burners can fit 3 whole games per disc.
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2nd Half of the MSU game won't work!

The 2nd half of the MSU game won't play at all. Every other file works perfectly except this one. It's the actual 2nd half that doesn't work(I know you said when you titled the files you messed up the halves). It will either not even play or it will come up saying that something is wrong with the "enumerator" or something like that. Has anyone else had this problem? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
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Guys, You can buy Wintv for $100 bucks and record these games on your computer or any other tv show. It also has a scheduler so you dont have to be there to turn it on. I just set it and go to campus for the game and edit it to DVD on Sunday.

Also, there is a program called TMPGEnc DVD Author that will allow you to make a menu/Edit/and burn the game to DVD.

I chose to go this route because I have to share bandwidth with my roomate and can't stay on all night downloading and uploading. Just an idea for those with slow connections.
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