OK, how the crap can I make this download go faster? I don't get this bit torrent crap.
The more people who download/upload ... the faster it'll go for everybody.
Bit Torrent's design works by breaking apart a big file into hundreds of little fragment files and distributing those. As people join the torrent, the master server determines which fragments aren't in the torrent (the 'swarm') and distributes those. The idea is to distribute all of the file at once to a bunch of people, then those people redistribute the file amongst themselves in a network. Your software collects these fragments and pieces it back together into the original large file that the parent server was sharing.
Oversimplification: A 100Mb file is broken into ten 10Mb pieces, and a different 10Mb piece goes out once to ten different people. Those ten people now connect to each other to distribute the missing pieces amongst themselves without needing to put anymore load on the master server that started the process.
Distributing large files this way is far faster and requires less bandwidth at the top, but in order for it to work it
requires that everybody stay in the swarm until their ratio is
at least 1:1. Theoretically, if the parents' share ratio was 1:0, then everybody else in the world would need to share at a 1:1 ratio with the last person receiving 0:1. In this scenario, any data could be duplicated world wide at wire speed provided people observe the netiquette of sharing 1:1.
Torrents, by their design, cannot work if people simply leech.