How much time in service do you have?
Counting my reserve time I'm on year number nine.
I would hold out for your preferred duty station. Does having a deployment hold alot of weight for promotion in the Army? In the AF, deployment in your record mean alot to field grade officer promotion's. I was in the sandbox for all of 2004, I missed my family a helluva lot! The wife & I decided that I needed to get it over with. Because, she's an active duty nurse & she's been out of the country more than I have. We kept in touch with phone calls, e-mails, care packages!
I guess once you start looking towards getting your O-5 and above it can play a role. But up to O-4 it's pretty much automatic, just so long as you keep your record clean. They tell me that even 0-5 selection rates are above 90% and should remain there for a while.