A unique opportunity has come my way. While stuck here at good old Ft. Silly awaiting my time until I join my unit an opportunity has come my way to switch assignments with a fellow butter bar (2nd lieutenant). He will get my slot to stay here until April and then go to Ft. Lewis, Washington. I would get his slot to go to the 82nd Airborne at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina. Up to date my entire career has been assigned to Ft. Bragg although I spent very little time actually there. It would give me a chance to jump again which is very HOOAH (excellent). The down side is that it would mean a certain deployment in the near future. Now, I will eventually have to deploy no matter where I go but if I stayed with my current assignment it would put that off for a few years. My youngest child is 13 months and my oldest is 6 years. My deploying would probably suck pretty bad for them. However, they will eventually have to learn to deal with anyhow, so perhaps it's better now when they a younger. Anyhow, I haven't made a decision yet.