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Time to confess. How did YOU cost us the Illinois game?

Well, I did every thing right, which only leads me to believe that my superstitions are simply crap and meaningless. Indeed, I told BB73 that I've made a command decision - I promised myself: no more superstitious stuff, just sit back and enjoy the game. Of course, as BB73 observed, there is no way I will make good on this promise to self. :slappy:
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The funny part to me is that if God himself came down and told any one of us "Just do ____ and the Bucks will win." There is almost no limit to what we'd do.

Aside from losing my job or hurting my kids(wife's somewhat negotiable she'd understand) I'd be down for pretty much anything.
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The bitches at work had me move my cube and my walls were filled with newpaper clippings all of which were removed and put away. I had a feeling this would be felt in the overall balance in the Buckeye Planet of Football. So it's my fault.

In addition to watching Michigan lose to Wisky just before our game, this too may have upset the apple cart a bit.

Dane's HS team lost in the playoffs.

My wife washed my lucky socks.
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Well, I did every thing right, which only leads me to believe that my superstitions are simply crap and meaningless. Indeed, I told BB73 that I've made a command decision - I promised myself: no more superstitious stuff, just sit back and enjoy the game. Of course, as BB73 observed, there is no way I will make good on this promise to self. :slappy:
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I didn't go to the game. Gave my tickets to my brother.

My son and I are undeafeated at the Horseshoe. :(

I wore a #7 jersey from last year. I'd been alternating between 28 and 33 all year and put 7 on for some unknown stupid reason.

There's probably more but it looks like we all contributed to the loss.
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utgrad73;991192; said:
The bitches at work had me move my cube and my walls were filled with newpaper clippings all of which were removed and put away.

You should burn the place down.

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Deety;991176; said:
I didn't beat up the dumbass "fan" who spent the last quarter talking about how the team was an embarrassment and swearing in front of the families with kids. And I'm quite certain I could've kicked his rear. Time to pull out the Penn State shirt you burned a couple weeks ago and wear the charred remains, ya newbie bandwagon idiot.

Reminds me, I actually heard a kid (looked about 12) drop an F-Bomb at the game
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Oh8ch;991179; said:
I trust your Dad and Daveeb kept their first-timer status to themselves. Otherwise they are lucky to have survived.
daveeb has been to other Buckeye games, this was his first this year.
It was however the first loss he saw in the Shoe.

His dad, unlike Evan's, has been to several this year and in prior years. I know this because I see daveeb's dad in the mirror every morning when I shave - damned shaving mirror hog :tongue2:

That said:

Like you I parked in a different location than usual.

I forgot to record the game - the last time this happened was one week past New Year's Day - :!

Normally I sit no further round than the 10-yard line. This time we were just to one side of the uprights.

I think there is plenty of blame to go around. Besides I'm quite certain it can all be pinned on the Man With Horn Rimmed Glasses - or Ty Willingham, who may be MWHRG in disguise.
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