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Thursday Night: Broncos at Browns(PK)

If he marches them down to win this thing The Legend of Brady Quinn begins tonight.

A lot to ask of him at this point in his career. He should've never been in this position tonight. His teammates put him there.
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Jake;1317673; said:
If he marches them down to win this thing The Legend of Brady Quinn begins tonight.

A lot to ask of him at this point in his career. He should've never been in this position tonight. His teammates put him there.

Not tonight...drive home safely.

38 points allowed the last 2 4th quarters. Conditioning?
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Jake;1317673; said:
If he marches them down to win this thing The Legend of Brady Quinn begins tonight.

A lot to ask of him at this point in his career. He should've never been in this position tonight. His teammates put him there.
Exactly, he was the lone bright spot tonight.

MuckFich06;1317675; said:
NFB, that feeling is justified yet again.
Some things in life are guaranteed: death, taxes, m*ch*g*n sucking and miserable Clevelan Browns fans.

DGADBTWSOM;1317678; said:
Thank you K2! :pissed:
I'm hoping he's some of the dead weight I mentioned.
Jake;1317679; said:
Not tonight...drive home safely.

38 points allowed the last 2 4th quarters. Conditioning?
Partially, I think. A total lack of talent in the defensive backfield is probably the main culprit.

MuckFich06;1317680; said:
There is no doubt I am a masochist for rooting for these bastards.
There's something to be said for loyalty I guess. :!
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NFBuck;1317687; said:
Partially, I think. A total lack of talent in the defensive backfield is probably the main culprit.

I'm with you, but Eric Wright has played pretty damn well this season however Pool and McDonald have sucked ass and are they main culprits of the secondaries woes.
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