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Thursday Night: Broncos at Browns(PK)

jwinslow;1317617; said:
Brady has another 40 yds to reach the average surrendered through the air.

Eh, they've been pretty conservative with him. I think he's looked really good...much better than I expected. At least he is accurate in the short and intermediate game.
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NFBuck;1317620; said:
Eh, they've been pretty conservative with him. I think he's looked really good...much better than I expected. At least he is accurate in the short and intermediate game.
haven't had a chance to watch it yet, I'll catch the replay.
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jwinslow;1317622; said:
haven't had a chance to watch it yet, I'll catch the replay.

He's looked sharp...particularly on this last drive. Had a couple wild throws early, but they weren't bad throws that could lead to a turnover like plagued DA. His mobility has really helped him too as he's moved around in the pocket and made some pretty good throws.
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NFBuck;1317620; said:
Eh, they've been pretty conservative with him. I think he's looked really good...much better than I expected. At least he is accurate in the short and intermediate game.

That's what I was hoping. Anderson is a better deep passer, but most of what a qb has to do is read quick and hit the open guy inside of 10 yards. Anderson had a hell of a time hitting dump offs.
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