Anyone ever see the movie Hostile?.......
No but "Hostel" was pretty good... :tongue2:
OK, back to the serious topic...I have been one of the more outspoken here railing for horrible punishment for perpetrators against children. That said, this has to be a new low. This fuck-nozzle decided to let a guy molest her 7-year-old for money? How is that even fathomable? How? This ass-tablet apparently thought that 600 bucks, 600 LOUSY BUCKS, was enough to ruin an innocent child's life forever in the most unimaginable way. If there is a torture device out there, I'm not sure it is bad enough for this fuck-weed. To knowlingly and WILLINGLY turn your child over to the most vile form of perversion, a nightmare no one can imagine unless one has been through it, for's a good thing I'm not in charge of punishment, because life in a Maiden of Nuremberg ( and you can keep someone alive a LONG time in one) would be at the top of my list.