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The Secret to the Buckeye Big Game Mystery!


You win with people.
So, obviously in recent years our Ohio State Buckeyes have struggled to win "The Big One." Yes the 1v2 Michigan game was huge and we came out on top in that game, but I would say for the majority of the big games we have competed in as of late we have lost.

2006 vs Florida 41-14
2007 vs Illinois 28-21
2007 vs LSU 38-24
2008 vs USC 35-3
2008 vs Penn State 13-6
2009 vs Texas 24-21

Okay so what I am getting to is coming off of our big win in the 2005 Fiesta Bowl against Notre Dame we haven't been able to pull of the big one. The question that came to my mind, "What changed after 2005 that could possibly make us choke every time we had a chance to prove ourselves." And then it hit me.


THATS RIGHT! The jersey change at the end of the 05' season has cursed us! We must report to Coach Tressel quick and report my findings so we can correct this mistake that has plagued us for the past four years!

Actually I am just another Buckeye in distress who can't stomache watching his team lose another big game. Hopefully Coach Tressel will be able to open it up with the amazing play of Terrelle Pryor at quarterback and all the other young talent. Boom Herron as our starting running back? Oh yea! Lets go Bucks in '09! Only 243 more days until we host USC in the shoe and have a chance to get back on the right track. GO BUCKS!
The change stirred up more anger when introduced, Tressel saying something about being amazed at the reaction. I would say the problem goes back further. The pants suck. They turn pale pink on TV. Put the gray back in the pants and back in the stripes!
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It seems funny to me that Illinois '07 was a "big-game" and a loss, yet Illinois '08 is not a big game, maybe because we won that one. Or that maybe a win on the road in Beaver Stadium at night in '07 isn't considered a "big-game," probably because we won that one too, but since we lost this year at home, it's a "big game."

I just think it's easy to look at the few losses over the past years and despite the obvious few, title them as "big games." To quote LJB, "tOSU should win 80+ percent of their games" and they should, and they tend to consistently win 70-80% with fluctuating seasons, that's why it's easy to say as a fan "I'm sick of seeing the Buckeyes always lose in big games," yet only a few losses have actually happened, and when the loss happens it's easy to make it a "big game" because the Buckeyes don't normally lose. Things will change soon though.

Anyway, I do like the old uni's too... I'd really like to see gray numbers on the kits.

Or maybe alternative uni's :paranoid:
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jmorbitz;1379656; said:
Or maybe alternative uni's :paranoid:

I'd like to see a black uniform!!

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1379658; said:
Ah.... uniform discussion.... must be the off season. And Illinois 2007 was not a "big game."

I disagree. It was the first (and only) time I sat in Block O, and the first time I saw the Bucks play at night.

It was huge. Don't ruin this for me. :(
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Big Game Woes

AirForceBUCKNUT;1379619; said:
So, obviously in recent years our Ohio State Buckeyes have struggled to win "The Big One." Yes the 1v2 Michigan game was huge and we came out on top in that game, but I would say for the majority of the big games we have competed in as of late we have lost.

2006 vs Florida 41-14
2007 vs Illinois 28-21
2007 vs LSU 38-24
2008 vs USC 35-3
2008 vs Penn State 13-6
2009 vs Texas 24-21

Okay so what I am getting to is coming off of our big win in the 2005 Fiesta Bowl against Notre Dame we haven't been able to pull of the big one. The question that came to my mind, "What changed after 2005 that could possibly make us choke every time we had a chance to prove ourselves." And then it hit me.


THATS RIGHT! The jersey change at the end of the 05' season has cursed us! We must report to Coach Tressel quick and report my findings so we can correct this mistake that has plagued us for the past four years!

Actually I am just another Buckeye in distress who can't stomache watching his team lose another big game. Hopefully Coach Tressel will be able to open it up with the amazing play of Terrelle Pryor at quarterback and all the other young talent. Boom Herron as our starting running back? Oh yea! Lets go Bucks in '09! Only 243 more days until we host USC in the shoe and have a chance to get back on the right track. GO BUCKS!

Except for the Illinois game, which I believe was an moment in time game, Ohio State just wasn't equal to the task in the rest of those games. They lost to teams that were better and played better. I have a really stunning thought here: It happens. Ohio State is not quite there. They are close but not quite an elite team at this point in time.

But they are my team and I will live and die with them forever.

Go Bucks.

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PSU '06?
PSU '07?
Texas '06
scUM '06
scUM '07?
Okay, not really scUM '08...
Wisconsin '07?
Wisconsin '08?

These weren't big games? Particularly #1 vs. #2 tOSU vs scUM in '06? Man, I'm glad I didn't post on message boards during the Cooper years...
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