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The Howard Stern Show (official thread)

And how radio ratings works it takes months for them to get accurate numbers as 2 months is not enough time to get a real idea of their ratings.

I do agree and Bubba the Love Sponge even said that you can't get an accurate reading after that amount of time but those ratings are far below anything anyone expected.

Bubba said that Rover is actually a pretty cool guy.
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I listen to Rover every day and have been a fan of the show for 3 years or so. The main reason that I took a radio to work was to listen to RMG everyday. Noted it was better when it was just about Cleveland and even less fun now that it's based in Chicago, but still a good show. Rover even talked about the ratings today and that it takes time to find out the real story. He was dominating Stern for a while in Cleveland before Stern left and had a 20 share. A lot of fans were really pissed about Stern leaving, which will hurt the ratings for a while.
I don't know if it's CBS radio or the FCC but I swear they are trying to ruin normal radio. In some cities they dump common things like saying "drop a deuce". Fuck Janet Jackson. It's going to get to the point where the only way to get good radio will be through satellite. If Rover is able to build up his following in the new cities and keep expanding I wouldn't be surprised to see him jump to satellite in the future as well.
One question for you Stern fans that moved to Sirius. Do they only have Stern on the 1 station? It seems like it would be a problem listening to the radio at work if they are saying "fuck" all the time. It just seems like it would be a good idea to have a station where they censor some content to make it work safe.
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One question for you Stern fans that moved to Sirius. Do they only have Stern on the 1 station? It seems like it would be a problem listening to the radio at work if they are saying "fuck" all the time. It just seems like it would be a good idea to have a station where they censor some content to make it work safe.

Yes they only have one station. Is their cussing? Yes but it is not as bad as many would have you beleive. Howard many times will censor himselfjust as if he was on regular radio. There is cussing and some rique comment, I actually heard him teh other day say that before they played the next bit if you had a child in the room you might want to have them leave. He also has recently banned Sal and Ronnie from being allowed to cuss because he felt they were abusing the ability to cuss.
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SIRIUS Announces Over 4 Million Subscribers

March 20, 2006 3:06 p.m. EST

Ayinde O. Chase - All Headline News Staff Writer
Miami, FL (AHN) - SIRIUS Satellite Radio announced on Monday that it recently surpassed 4 million subscribers throughout the United States.
The satellite radio giant emerged on the market amidst much fan fare in November 1999, however many were not sure it would take off.
SIRIUS now delivers more than 125 channels of programming ranging from news, talk, entertainment, traffic and weather.
The company is also the original and only home of 100 percent commercial-free music channels in satellite radio, offering 67 music channels available nationwide
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Thought this article was pretty funny. I listened to Stern when he was on 99.7 but can't see spending money to listen to him.

Howard Stern Lashes Out at Some Fans

36 minutes ago

NEW YORK - Howard Stern is angry more fans haven't followed him to satellite radio. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, the 52-year-old shock jock lashes out at those of his fan base who haven't made the transition to Sirius Satellite Radio.

In January, Stern moved his popular and bawdy morning show to the subscription satellite radio provider.

"I was just at my psychiatrist and I said, `I just got great news: We hit the 4 million mark. And I'm angry. It should be 20 million,'" Stern says in the magazine, on newsstands Monday.

"It's insulting to me that everyone hasn't come with me. I take it personally," he says.

"I want to say to my audience ... `You haven't come with me yet? How dare you? We're up to wild, crazy stuff, the show has never sounded better. You cheap bastard!'"

In February, CBS Radio, formerly known as Infinity Broadcasting, filed a lawsuit against Stern for improperly using airtime to promote his new show on Sirius.

Stern has claimed the lawsuit is without merit.
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this is sort of related to Stern... is anyone really surprised that DLR is struggling?


David Lee Roth Struggling on Radio

NEW YORK - David Lee Roth says he won't jump from his gig as a morning radio host. Roth, who replaced shock jock Howard Stern on seven stations in January, has struggled in making the move from rock star to radio host. But during his Friday show, the former Van Halen frontman vowed to stick with it — although he acknowledged that problems continue.

"I'm going to give it a try," Roth told his audience. "I've invested too much in this show not to."

Roth's show underwent drastic changes last week, with the removal of his three on-air sidekicks and the ditching of background music. According to Roth, he received four letters in five days from CBS Radio officials demanding "extensive changes" in his four-hour show.

The rocker complained that CBS executives had failed to offer him enough support when the show first made its debut.

"I didn't know what I was doing," Roth said. "I asked for rehearsal, and they didn't give it to me."

Failure to comply meant "termination or disciplinary action," said Roth, whose show airs in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Dallas and West Palm Beach, Fla.
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"It's insulting to me that everyone hasn't come with me. I take it personally," he says.

"I want to say to my audience ... `You haven't come with me yet? How dare you? We're up to wild, crazy stuff, the show has never sounded better. You cheap bastard!'"

Stern provides strong arguments for a belief in Buddhism. He is P T Barnum reincarnated.

I don't know how anyone can talk for as long as he has with their tongue in their cheek. For that I admire him, but otherwise he is a one trick pony whose real creativity ran out long ago.
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no offense but it is obvious you haven't heard him on Sirius, that couldn't be farther from the truth.

Couldn't agree more. Since the Move to Sirius it seems as if Stern has been re-awakened. They are doing things that they could never do on regular radio. Be it the girls on the Sibian, the the roasts that they have been doing. Artie seems to have new life also. The show in my opinion is 1000 times better since it moved to sirius.

In addition anyone that knows anything about Howard has to know he said it very tounge in cheek. Since he has joined Sirius they have planed a film festival in which they are giving away a ton of stuff for the winners. He has given allot of people radio show try-outs to see if they should have thier own show. He saved bubba the love sponge and now scott ferrell off of the trash heep and gave them shows. You can tell he cares about the people that work with him and is loyal to a fault in some ways. Hell he just bought Robin a brand new car a few weeks ago.
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Couldn't agree more. Since the Move to Sirius it seems as if Stern has been re-awakened. They are doing things that they could never do on regular radio. Be it the girls on the Sibian, the the roasts that they have been doing. Artie seems to have new life also. The show in my opinion is 1000 times better since it moved to sirius.

In addition anyone that knows anything about Howard has to know he said it very tounge in cheek. Since he has joined Sirius they have planed a film festival in which they are giving away a ton of stuff for the winners. He has given allot of people radio show try-outs to see if they should have thier own show. He saved bubba the love sponge and now scott ferrell off of the trash heep and gave them shows. You can tell he cares about the people that work with him and is loyal to a fault in some ways. Hell he just bought Robin a brand new car a few weeks ago.

The show sounds great though I still can't see shelling out money to listen to it. It's just not that important to me.
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