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Game Thread THE GAME, tOSU at TSUN, Sat Nov 26th, Noon ET, ABC/ESPN

ScarletnGray 33;2047051; said:
The fact that they have 23 (so far) in the first half on an OSU defense is a bit sickening.

Only 21 on the defense but your point is well taken. Just haven't been able to play up to the usual standard for 60 minutes. We see it in flashes, but the consistency is not there.
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ScarletnGray 33;2047051; said:
The fact that they have 23 (so far) in the first half on an OSU defense is a bit sickening.

no the sickening part is that they have run the ball about 90 percent of the time..not counting the little screens..and our staff has not adjusted to it for some reason. make denard throw the ball and we will keep pressuring and sacking him. he cant hit anyone 20 yards down the field.
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Drubuck;2047053; said:
I still don't get that stupid as cereal eating bull[Mark May] he does. Looks like an idiot. D has got to step it up. We have alot of time left to get the lead back before the half

One of our linebackers need to make him eat his lunch.......He's fast but if you hit him he folds like origami..............
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Miller4heisman;2047061; said:
no the sickening part is that they have run the ball about 90 percent of the time..not counting the little screens..and our staff has not adjusted to it for some reason. make denard throw the ball and we will keep pressuring and sacking him. he cant hit anyone 20 yards down the field.

Can we get a ban?
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