sansantb;2048419; said:
My younger cousin's in Libbey High and is going to be deciding on a College soon. He was born and bred a Buckeye. But now he's saying stuff about how good _ichigan's airplane department is and bull[Mark May] about how _ichigan's academics are better etc. wtf the Wright brothers didn't come from [censored]ing _ichigan!?![/i]
If he wants to go into Aerospace/Aeronautical Engineering...Georgia Tech is higher rated & is $10K a year cheaper.
Purdue & Illinois are about the same & are also $10K a year cheaper.
Maryland & Texas are also in the same ball park & are $20K a year cheaper.
If he gets accepted to MIT or's a no brainer. Every other school should take a back seat. CalTech's connections with the JPL are invaluable.
At Stanford undergrad aerospace is a concentration in general engineering but it's designed to funnel you into the postgraduate program and is top rate (CalTech is actually set up the same way).
Embry Riddle is undergrad only but is a very good BS program.
There's always Annapolis but if he's considering the TSUN he's probably too much of a douche to handle it. Then again that probably opens up the door to the Air Force Academy. Is your cousin rapey? If so he'll fit right in.
I try knocking some sense into the guy and say look TOSU has the best academics in the B1G then he said that Washington only came here because he knew he couldnt cut it in classes in tsun.
Explain to him that the vast majority of students at TSUN are there because they 'couldn't cut it' at good east coast schools. If he wants to hang out with a bunch of pretentious NE douche bags with entitlement issues...more power to him. Some people actually want to go to school for four years where there are no hot women.
I work in the industry and take it for what it's worth but I've never met a single engineer from TSUN worth a shit....and I've worked with lots of good engineers from lots of schools.