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Game Thread THE GAME, tOSU at TSUN, Sat Nov 26th, Noon ET, ABC/ESPN

Miller4heisman;2047331; said:
i just have a bad feeling about it that is all. overall i am happy with our offence but our defence decision making is biting me...and as you watch this drive and see shazier cant even run...tell me im wrong.

your wrong learn to spell offense and defense kthxbai
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Miller4heisman;2047331; said:
i just have a bad feeling about it that is all. overall i am happy with our offence but our defence decision making is biting me...and as you watch this drive and see shazier cant even run...tell me im wrong.

Stop the negative posts or get banned - period.
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ScarletnGray 33;2047348; said:
Our DL just stood there waiting for him to run.
Well, when you bring 3 and drop 8 and each of those 3 have two people blocking them, kind of hard to get pressure. <Armchair HC> Didn't like that defensive call at all, gotta put pressure on Denard. </Armchair HC>
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