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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)

The Traitor;996595; said:
Who said is not the years in your life that matter but the life in your years? A similar principle applies here. Either you can read this to understand by back story a little, or we can both agree that there is no good reason for a Buckeye to take up with Yoovem. I'm a traitor and I know it. I can't pretend otherwise, so I accept the consequences that come with it.
Next year find a two headed coin. Heads tOSU, tails scUM (obviously).
That should make it easier for you.
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I can't wait for a riverboat gambling idiot like that to join the talentless athletes up in tsun. They will probably be begging for LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLoyd back a couple years into les' tenure. Either way the BUCKS WIN BABY!!!

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Only hours now. Still cant sleep thought if i went out it would help, it didn't. I just want another Big 10 championship. It would also be very nice to go to the Rose Bowl since we have not been there since 97'. The best part though would be sending all those seniors on UM out with another loss to tOSU.
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So the Ohio game warden calls the Michigan game warden and says "We have one of your Michigan coyotes caught in one of our traps down here. Can you come and get it?"

The Michigan game warden responds "Well, just exactly how do you know that it is a Michigan coyote?"

The Ohio game warden replies "Because it has chewed off three of its legs and it's still caught in the trap."

Go Bucks!
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Lebron may be in the House today


James is pulling for the Buckeyes in today's game at Michigan.

''I want Ohio State to win,'' he said. ''It's going to be a tough game going into Ann Arbor.''

He said there's a small chance he'll go to today's game.

''I'm thinking about it,'' James said. ''I'll be mad if I go all the way up there and it rains. I'd be so mad.''

The Morning Journal - Injury bug finds Hughes once again
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No pain, no gain
Mike Hart and Chris Wells won't complain about injuries that have slowed their seasons
Saturday, November 17, 2007 3:50 AM
By Tim May


Ohio State's Chris "Beanie" Wells and Michigan's Mike Hart have these things in common heading into today's game: They're the backbone of their teams' running games, and they're hurtin' for certain.
"I did think I knew what pain is before I got here," Wells said. "This is a different type of pain. Week in, week out in the Big Ten, it's rough. But it's something you have to deal with."
When big men get hit by bigger men, something has to give. For Hart, Michigan's career rushing leader with 4,867 yards, it was a deep thigh bruise followed by a high ankle sprain.

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Buckeyes to play for the 'Gold Pants'

COLUMBUS (AP) - What's brewing today with the 2007 Ohio State Buckeyes ... BUCKEYE BUZZ: To the winners go the spoils ... and a valuable trinket

Each time the Buckeyes beat Michigan in their annual regular-season curtain-closer, all team personnel are given a $25 replica of a pair of football pants, a golden charm that has the year and the score of the game engraved on the front. The tradition began in 1934 when first-year Ohio State coach Francis Schmidt told those wondering how Ohio State would do against the mighty Wolverines, "They put their pants on one leg at a time just like everybody else." Schmidt then led the Buckeyes to four consecutive wins over Michigan, all by shutout.
It's a pretty big deal to have the special piece of jewelry. So big a deal that in 2003 when a pair were put up for sale on eBay, fans, players and coaches were all incensed. No one ever found out who it was who tried to put a price on a small object with such big sentimental value.

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On the edge

Saturday, November 17, 2007 3:58 AM

When Buckeyes run

Ohio State's concern is the health of Chris "Beanie" Wells (1,241 yards), who will play with a jammed thumb. Michigan is eighth in the Big Ten against the run (143.6) and gave up 423 yards the past two weeks. EDGE: OHIO STATE
When Buckeyes pass

Quarterback Todd Boeckman is coming off his worst game but still leads the Big Ten in efficiency. Michigan is improving, with 11 interceptions in the past nine games. Jamar Adams and Morgan Trent lead the secondary. EDGE: MICHIGAN
When Wolverines run

Mike Hart is expected to try, but he's dealing with a high ankle sprain. Carlos Brown and Brandon Minor were relatively ineffective against Wisconsin last week. OSU's run defense is smarting from the 260 yards Illinois gained from its spread. EDGE: OHIO STATE

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In the spotlight Shawn Crable, Michigan Vernon Gholston, Ohio State

Saturday, November 17, 2007 3:57 AM
By Tim May


Ohio State vs. Michigan is The Game between the states. Today, it will also be for bragging rights for Shawn Crable of Michigan and Vernon Gholston of Ohio State, both state-line jumpers and a key component of their respective defenses.
Crable is a senior linebacker from Massillon who leads Michigan in sacks (7.5) and is second in the nation in tackles for loss (24).
Gholston is a junior defensive end from Detroit whom Ohio State uses in various ways. He leads the team with 10 sacks. Despite his college choice, he still popular at home.

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Ohio State has all angles covered on punt returns

Friday, November 16, 2007 Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus- On the ABC broadcast, analyst Bob Griese offered the kiss of death before the punt in his praise of Ohio State punter Brent Bartholomew - "In a field position game, a good punter like Bartholomew is priceless."
"And I crushed it," Bartholomew said Thursday.
The play was priceless, but not because of the punter.
Ten years ago, a game was lost, a Heisman Trophy won, a national title kept alive and a rose stem eventually chomped because of a punt return. Charles Woodson's 78-yard run back during the Wolverines' 20-14 win over Ohio State on Nov. 22, 1997 remains an indelible image from the rivalry.
"You're rubbing salt in an old wound," said former OSU linebacker Jerry Rudzinski, who missed a tackle on that return.
There should be solace in this - nobody has opened that wound on the Buckeyes since.
The Buckeyes have allowed two kickoff returns for touchdowns this year, but as proof that Jim Tressel backs up his talk that the punt is the most important play in football, Ohio State has not allowed a punt return for a touchdown since Woodson.

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OSU notebook: Tressel gets butterflies before The Game

Saturday, November 17, 2007 3:50 AM
By Tim May


Ohio State coach Jim Tressel, giving a rare peek behind his personal curtain, admitted the morning of the Michigan game leaves him with a tight gut.
In fact, "Your gut is tight from Sunday on," Tressel said.
The preparation is endless, and then Saturday morning, the anxiety comes into play.
"The best news is, we're playing at noon," Tressel said. "Because when you wake up, the longer you have to wait -- I've said it before, there's nothing worse than the last hour before kickoff, because there's really nothing to do.
"At least three hours before kickoff, you can stare at your sheets, and look at your game-plan sheets or circle something or whatever. But an hour before, you've done all that by then. So it's exciting that it's at noon and it's an exciting time."

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Class Distinction

All former Buckeyes are asked the same question: ?How did you do against Michigan?? Only three classes can say they never lost; this year?s seniors are a win away from joining them
Friday, November 16, 2007 Bill Lubinger
Plain Dealer Reporter
Before the 1934 season, new Ohio State coach Francis Schmidt was asked his team?s chances against Michigan. Not a problem, he said. After all, ?The Wolverines put their pants on one leg at a time like everybody else.??
Proving Schmidt?s point, Ohio State whipped Michigan, 34-0, that year. Thus was born (aside from a dreaded sports cliche) the ?Gold Pants Club,? a tradition in which Ohio State players and coaches receive a gold charm replica of a pair of football pants for beating their arch rival.
Since the rivalry began in 1897, three Ohio State classes have gone four years without losing to Michigan 1934-37, 1960-63 and 1972-75. The current senior class has the rare shot at a fourth pair of gold pants on Saturday.

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