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Game Thread THE GAME: Ohio State 14, TSUN 3 (final)

After watching HBO's the rivalry again I can't believe it's finally Saturday. It seems like I was just screaming at the TV from last years game and here it is a year later and I have the same butterflies in my stomach.

This truly is a great time to be a Buckeye!!


Let's Go Bucks!!!Smash through to VICTORY!!!!!
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Just flew back from Arizona to North Carolina. Girl sitting in front of me for the flight to Chicago is wearing Buckeye gear and we begin to discuss The Game. Guy across the aisle chirps that he is from TSUN and watch out because they are hiring Les Miles, etc.

Suddenly he realizes that it is not just us two but that he is surrounded by at least five Buckeyes on the plane. Wisely immerses himself in a book quietly the balance of the flight while we share TSUN jokes and banter.

I love being a Buckeye. And I love watching TSUN fans squirm.

Go Bucks!

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DaddyBigBucks;996491; said:
After last week I had a hard time getting motivated for this game. I had a hard time putting together my part of the preview, and doing the updates to my spreadsheets and the weekly posts in the stat thread were utterly joyless.

But after watching the HBO special (DVR) and spending a little time here, I am really in the mood for an old-fashioned wolverine skinning. It's been a long time since we blue(sic) them out; and the clock has struck 12.

I'm not predicting it: truth is, I'd be OK with a one-point win on a gift reversal from a blind and drunk replay official that would make the Oregon win over Oklahoma look legit.

But I need to see a butt-kicking. After that scUMmy poster, after Mike Malice's arrogance in the HBO special, I want to see the Buckeyes end every possession tomorrow by scoring a TD and going for a three point conversion.

Described the week for a lot of us, I think DBB. But I am revved now. I also really want to see our guys kick their asses. I want to see Hart have -10 yards rushing. I want TSUN to pay. I want us to get into the NC game.
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Steve19;996569; said:
Guy across the aisle chirps that he is from TSUN and watch out because they are hiring Les Miles, etc.


A classless, reckless coach coming to scUM possibly.

I'd say that would have me shaking from excitement instead of fear.

Apparently, this cat always believes the grass is greener on the other side.
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OSUsushichic;993333; said:
So, you got your B.A. at OSU, which took you 4 or 5 years, and then you attend U of M for ONE year, and you're TORN???

Who said is not the years in your life that matter but the life in your years? A similar principle applies here. Either you can read this to understand by back story a little, or we can both agree that there is no good reason for a Buckeye to take up with Yoovem. I'm a traitor and I know it. I can't pretend otherwise, so I accept the consequences that come with it.
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