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Game Thread THE GAME, 11/26/16, 12pm ET, ABC

Game isn't over. We're down 10. Score on this drive and all is well.

Yep, we look like powder white dog [Mark May]; but the potential is always there for them to stop playing like that. Hang in there.

Here's the thing though, this is not a championship team. Not with that OL, and not the way JTB looks (even with a bad line he should be making things happen). I'm really not sure I want to see them against Bama. Truly. I'd rather give it a year than make it and get our poo pushed in during the playoffs.
So we lose in the playoff game. At least we can say they beat meatchicken
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Game isn't over. We're down 10. Score on this drive and all is well.

Yep, we look like powder white dog [Mark May]; but the potential is always there for them to stop playing like that. Hang in there.

Here's the thing though, this is not a championship team. Not with that OL, and not the way JTB looks (even with a bad line he should be making things happen). I'm really not sure I want to see them against Bama. Truly. I'd rather give it a year than make it and get our poo pushed in during the playoffs.
Our poo poo pushed in? Is this Jim Mora?
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