I hate ESPN. I hate the way they hype things beyond belief and then ruin said sport, program, entity or charm.
Claiming USC 2005 was better than Nebraska 1995, or OSU 2002 before they even won the National Championship game in January. Claiming this was also going to be their 3rd title when that was not even the case due to the BCS(whether you like it or not, it is the BCS that matters).
Overyhyping Notre Dame to the point of no return. Hoping that Catholics by nature will tune in and care. ABC/ESPN not sending Gameday crew to stadiums where huge rivalry's are NOT on their TV channel and therefore are not important in the scheme of life.
Sportcenter does not highlight the sports, it is about the comedy of broadcasters, the hype of themselves and the self promotion of the network they are slaves to. Sportcenter was once great, but has 'boo-yah'ed and slamma jamma'd' themselves into a laughing stock.
Now we care more about Michael Wilbon and other idiot sports writers that are nothing more than pure outsiders with half brains and idiotic ideas.
People like Woody Page and all the others that argue over who has the best hair in hockey or football, those are the people I hate. The people that have ruined pure sports and pure entertainment. Sportstainment is the biggest joke in all of the world, and we have no one else to thank for such idiotic ideas, shows and opinions than those at the Mickey Mouse network.
I hate ESPN/ABC/Disney as much as anything else in my life. They are many times what ruin my enjoyment in the sports and activities I love.