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The BCS National Championship Game (January 8, 2007)

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just to clarify (before the torches and pitchforks arrive) I'm picking florida to cover the spread.... NOT to win.

I hope I lose some vbux on this one :)

Edit: I find my lack of faith... disturbing. I'm now that sorry SOB who bets both sides of the issue. Commence derision.
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My Prediction


It will be a hammering. I'm just glad to have one more game to watch this amazing group of players hit the field again.

3 games vs. the second best team in the nation. When we win this one, this team will go down in history and never be forgotten!

As for us not playing michi(again) im glad. People say it was a close game and they deserve another shot, but thats false..they were chasing us for 42 minutes in that game most of that time with us leading by 11 points..so no we beat them fair and square. We are the better team. Time for Florida.

Go Buckeyes!!
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Crap - Ohio State is going to win by 7. Not 8. Why couldn't you make the Gators favored by a bazillion? I think I'd win that bet.

I'll go all-in ($1.7M) on the Buckeyes to cover, as soon as I finish reading alum's post.
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