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Milini -- Here, here! Well put.

Deety -- I am not a fan of youtube since I can't get videos to post there where you can make out people's faces. So I just post it on that site.

Do you guys have a celebrity that is supposed to dot the i in the BCS game?
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No idea about the BCS game, but it's actually extremely rare for someone outside the band to dot the i. I'd look it up, but I'm sure someone will be along shortly with the details all ready to go. :p
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Deety;1021369; said:
No idea about the BCS game, but it's actually extremely rare for someone outside the band to dot the i. I'd look it up, but I'm sure someone will be along shortly with the details all ready to go. :p


Honorary "i"-dots

Several prominent individuals and couples have been honored by being allowed to dot the "i". This is considered the greatest honor the band can give to any non-band person, and is an extremely special (and rare) event.
Honorary "i"-dotters with the OSU Marching Band include: Bob Hope, Woody Hayes, OSU President Novice Fawcett and his wife, Retired ticket director Robert Ries, and now Jack Nicklaus. OSU president Gordon Gee, his wife, retired directors Dr. Paul Droste, Jack Evans, their wives, and Heavyweight Champion Buster Douglas have also dotted the "i" with the OSU Alumni Band. Additionally, all thirteen seniors of the 2002-2003 National Championship Football team dotted the "i" at the National Championship celebration.

Band members and band staff have maintained that the privilege of dotting the "i" is 'Not For Sale' -- the tradition is reserved for sousaphone players and, on very special occasions, persons near and dear to the marching band, The Ohio State University and the State of Ohio.
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waverly911;1021362; said:
Do you guys have a celebrity that is supposed to dot the i in the BCS game?

We won't have a celebrity "I-dotter" for the NC game. Celebrity dotters are very rare, with the latest being Jack Nicklaus (last season?). Only a select few like Woody Hayes, Nicklaus, and a few others have ever dotted the I.
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Deety;1021378; said:

um, no, i don't think the i has ever been dotted on the scUM quad. :biggrin:

maybe in two years' time when we run their team out of their pig house again TBDBITL wil chase them down to the quad and dot the i right there and then! :p
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bukIpower;1021326; said:
hey LSUfan71 is Les Miles in your avatar going "RARRRRR!!!"

I'm not sure. The photo briefly appeared on ESPN.com. Apparently it was taken in the west endzone of the Georgia Dome just seconds after the end of the SECCG against Tennessee. I was certain he was headed to UM up until about 1 pm that day.
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LSUfan71;1018123; said:
We too have a great deal of hatred for UM (Ole Miss). The story line of Miles being a Michigan guy versus Ohio St is going to get better and better as the game gets closer, I wonder if any UM fans will join us on the forums against you guys soon? should be fun

There is not a team that I hate worse than Ole Miss:wink2:
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LSUfan71;1022615; said:
I'm not sure. The photo briefly appeared on ESPN.com. Apparently it was taken in the west endzone of the Georgia Dome just seconds after the end of the SECCG against Tennessee. I was certain he was headed to UM up until about 1 pm that day.

I can look on the tape of the game that I have and see if I can see what he is saying
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LSUfaninMiss;1022724; said:
What do you mean when you say to dot the I?

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