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I know for a fact that the OSUMB will be looking forward to meeting and seeing the LSUMB in person. There's only so much that one can get from CDs and YouTube videos... have to see the bands in person to get a good feel for them.

For LSU fans... I'm going to ask some questions that may be over your head due to the high band nerd content... hopefully there's some recent marching band alumni or someone else that knows the answer.

Questions about the LSU Band:

What is your basic marching style (corps, traditional, dance, etc.)?
What type of music is in a "traditional" halftime show? Does it vary widely?
How many members are in the LSU Band?
What's the music major percentage like? I know that the LSU School of Music is awesome.
What kind of response does your band get from your basic fan?

Answers (concerning Ohio State's band)

Ohio State is a traditional band, using a classic chair step and 8 to 5 spacing. The band has a fixed size of 225 musicians, 192 that march halftime. Our halftime shows have elements of classical, patriotic, rock, show tunes, and anything that you'd really expect (or not expect). Earlier this season, the marching band did a Southern Rock show, with Sweet Home Alabama, Freebird, and other standbys. I seriously hope that they're not performing that in New Orleans. The music major percentage in the Ohio State band is around 20%... the largest major is engineering.

I think that this might be the first time in a while that the OSUMB faces a very good band in the bowl game. We weren't impressed with the Miami band, Kansas State had some nice dancing girls (and so did OK State), and Notre Dame was nothing really special. I heard from my old buddies that Florida wasn't that great, either. I really couldn't tell you the best band that I remember seeing in person, but I think that the LSUMB will provide a good counterpoint to the OSUMB.

I'm looking forward to seeing you guys during halftime. I love that Fox actually broadcasts the bands during pregame and halftime... that's the way it should be (get rid of the talking heads, show the fricking bands. We'll all be happier).
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Tigerkid05;1023385; said:
Settle down, settle down. OSU won a Sudler Trophy in 1984. We won it in 2002.

Yes, that's true. However, since the Sudler Trophy can only be given out once to a school, it's a statement usually of a quality program more then anything else. Right now, a Sudler means that you're in the top 25 or so schools (they've only given out 25). By them only giving it out once to each school, eventually, it'll mean a warm bucket of spit.

LSU has a fine band. I'm looking forward to seeing the TV coverage of it.
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toby34a;1022999; said:
Questions about the LSU Band:

What is your basic marching style (corps, traditional, dance, etc.)? Corps? (just a guess, I know it ain't dance.)

What type of music is in a "traditional" halftime show? Does it vary widely? Varies (they've played classical, coutry, rock, po , etc.)

How many members are in the LSU Band? Annual memberships is 325

What's the music major percentage like? I know that the LSU School of Music is awesome. I have no clue about this one

What kind of response does your band get from your basic fan? Stadium goes nuts when the first 4 nots of "Hold that Tiger" is played during pre-game

Answers to you questions in red.

Anyone else notice there's more shit talking about the bands than the game right now?:biggrin:
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Nutriaitch;1023444; said:
Answers to you questions in red.

Anyone else notice there's more shit talking about the bands than the game right now?:biggrin:
You're saying they're running a risk ...

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