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The TigerBand (or "The Golden Band from Tigerland"/TGBFTL) comes down a slight hill just before entering Tiger Stadium before games. There's usually a crowd of 5,000-15,000 fans waiting on them.

For home games the OSU band does a pre-game warm up called the "Skull Session" in our old 13k+ seat basketball arena. For last years Michigan game my buddy and I showed up 4 hours early to get a seat.

It was full.
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One thing I think you'll appreciate is that TBDBITL plays a good variety of music, so you should not need to gouge your eyes out (ala Boomer Sooner or Rocky Top), unless OSU is scoring with alarming frequency. In that case, you might resort to that anyway.
bkochmc;1017609; said:
Here's a few sights and sounds of the Ohio State Marching Band
I'll tack on a few more:

Here's a little better 'feel' for the Hang On Sloopy song
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouZxOa7kSv4"]YouTube - TBDBITL doing 'Hang on Sloopy' @ the OSU Pep Rally in Texas[/ame]

And something you may hear simply due to the unshakeable hatred of UM
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSmRX87jlu0"]YouTube - Skull Session Entrance[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g58TDhOHs94"]YouTube - TBDBITL 'Fight the Team' and 'Don't Give a Damn....Michigan'[/ame]
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Oh8ch;1018095; said:
For home games the OSU band does a pre-game warm up called the "Skull Session" in our old 13k+ seat basketball arena. For last years Michigan game my buddy and I showed up 4 hours early to get a seat.

It was full.

The number of fans welcoming the band in the stadium seems to depend on the opponent and time of kickoff. Most want to extend their tailgating as long as possible, the earlier the kickoff, the lighter the crowd. There's too much cooking and tailgating at LSU to worry about anything else at 4 hours prior to kickoff.

That being said, tailgating will be just about nil in New Orleans due to the layout, space, and the French Quarter.
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jwinslow;1018104; said:
And something you may hear simply due to the unshakeable hatred of UM

We too have a great deal of hatred for UM (Ole Miss). The story line of Miles being a Michigan guy versus Ohio St is going to get better and better as the game gets closer, I wonder if any UM fans will join us on the forums against you guys soon? should be fun
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jwinslow;1018104; said:
One thing I think you'll appreciate is that TBDBITL plays a good variety of music, so you should not need to gouge your eyes out (ala Boomer Sooner or Rocky Top), unless OSU is scoring with alarming frequency. In that case, you might resort to that anyway.I'll tack on a few more:

Here's a little better 'feel' for the Hang On Sloopy song
YouTube - TBDBITL doing 'Hang on Sloopy' @ the OSU Pep Rally in Texas

And something you may hear simply due to the unshakeable hatred of UM
YouTube - Skull Session Entrance
YouTube - TBDBITL 'Fight the Team' and 'Don't Give a Damn....Michigan'

I went to skull session for the MSU game this year. One thing that impressed the heck out of me was when the Buckeye band put their intruments down and started singing. I look around and I'm like, "Since when do marching bands sing in perfect 4 part harmony?" That was crazy! They were completely awesome. I have a huge appreciation for our band. Those folks are awesome. Just another reason it's so great to be a Buckeye! "We're from O Hi O...OH!"
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LSUfan71;1018123; said:
We too have a great deal of hatred for UM (Ole Miss). The story line of Miles being a Michigan guy versus Ohio St is going to get better and better as the game gets closer, I wonder if any UM fans will join us on the forums against you guys soon? should be fun

They aren't exactly thrilled with Les at the moment. :wink2:
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LSUfan71;1018123; said:
We too have a great deal of hatred for UM (Ole Miss). The story line of Miles being a Michigan guy versus Ohio St is going to get better and better as the game gets closer, I wonder if any UM fans will join us on the forums against you guys soon? should be fun

I will actually be curious to see how many you get, it seems like this year there's been almost an allegiance with all members of the Big10 to try and bring respect back to the conference. Also, I have never seen fans hate each other as much as SEC fans, normally I would expect to see the idea "well, if we can't win it, let's keep it in our conference" but last year we had people coming in here who were fans of other SEC teams hoping we would destroy Florida.

This year, I think as soon as the game was announced I think we had a 'Bama fan come in here saying "beat LSU."
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Marching down Victory Hill
[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=hD7WLqlp6Q0]YouTube - Victory Hill (Florida vs. LSU) - 10/06/07[/ame]

Pre-Game from the Field (Golden Girls)
[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=yiZoYQSqu-A]YouTube - LSU Pregame from the field...[/ame]

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hey LSUfan71 is Les Miles in your avatar going "RARRRRR!!!"

haha that picture makes me laugh when i see it...

Anyways I sure hope our football team can make TBDBITL play it's fight song more frequently than last year!!
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LSUfan71;1017492; said:
The game is gonna be great but I'm equally excited about the two bands. I consider TBDBITL and TGBFTL to be 2 of the top 5 college bands in the country, and their pregame shows are the 2 best ever. I was really impressed with tOSU's band site on wikipedia, excellent tradition.

I'll share some photos and youtube video later.

I'd like to personally thank you for starting a thread about our bands. It's obvious that both of us are proud of our bands, and appreciate greatly what they do for our programs and the game of college football itself.
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