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Texas A&M Aggies, aTm (official thread of jizz jars)

Well, if they have to play Texas then they have to have The Bonfire, and it has to be the biggest Bonfire since Dresden and then a student will get killed climbing up to throw a tire on the top and Texas will laugh and aTm’s insurance carrier will refuse to pay and it will just all turn to shit and then one of the uniformed goons will pull his sword on Bevo while one of the yellmen is committing sodomy with the collie.
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Well, if they have to play Texas then they have to have The Bonfire, and it has to be the biggest Bonfire since Dresden and then a student will get killed climbing up to throw a tire on the top and Texas will laugh and aTm’s insurance carrier will refuse to pay and it will just all turn to shit and then one of the uniformed goons will pull his sword on Bevo while one of the yellmen is committing sodomy with the collie.
This is a re-run. I've seen this episode before.
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Well, if they have to play Texas then they have to have The Bonfire, and it has to be the biggest Bonfire since Dresden and then a student will get killed climbing up to throw a tire on the top and Texas will laugh and aTm’s insurance carrier will refuse to pay and it will just all turn to shit and then one of the uniformed goons will pull his sword on Bevo while one of the yellmen is committing sodomy with the collie.
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