Kiffin's right -- Urban was a douche
Lane Kiffin deserved to be crapped on for his antics this summer, and lots of us crapped on him pretty good.
But when Kiffin is right, he's right. Which means that the dude in the dumper today is Florida's Urban Meyer.
After Tennessee put up a surprising fight Saturday, and Florida looked shockingly unimpressive, Meyer basically blamed his team's play on the swine flu. The second I heard those comments, I felt sick myself. Because that's crap.
Kiffin was out of line all preseason by saying stupid stuff about Florida, but now Meyer is out of line for saying ... stupid stuff about Florida. And stupid stuff about Tennessee, too. Blaming that game on the flu was a weak move by Meyer, and Kiffin called him on it this week by saying, "After we're not excited about a performance, we'll tell you everybody was sick."
Good for Kiffin.
Urban Meyer was a douche, and Kiffin called him on it.