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Tate "LL" Forcier (official thread of FABULOUS!)

Just for laughs, I went to QBforce just now. Not updated since November 2013, but found this and fell out of my chair laughing:

This is something they actually have on their main page for Lil' Man Tate. :lol:
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and against this Sugar Shane has nothing but wrist bands, mopeds and a concussion

It's not even fair

I have a confession to make.
I have a hard time even hating Sugar Shane... he's just so... pathetic... I feel bad for him.
I even have a hard time fully hating Gardner after those last 2 years... he left everything out there, and got PTSD in return. Part of me... almost... respects him... in some twisted way.

Do I need to have a sit like a horrorshow co-operative malchick while you flash nasty bits of the Cooper years on the screen?

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Just for laughs, I went to QBforce just now. Not updated since November 2013, but found this and fell out of my chair laughing:

This is something they actually have on their main page for Lil' Man Tate. :lol:

Former Michigan QB Tate Forcier Cut By CFL Team After 33 Days

If you blinked once you probably missed it. After being under contract by the Canadian Football League's Hamilton Tiger-Cats for exactly 33 days, former Michigan quarterback Tate Forcier was released by the team on Friday morning and is now forced to once again ponder his future as an athlete.

Aside from the fact that the Tiger-Cats made their first exhibition appearance on Wednesday and are still preparing for the start of their 2012 campaign, Forcier managed to toss an interception on just four pass attempts in his brief stint on the field. His dual-threat ability (he ran for seven yards on a single attempt) clearly wasn't enough to impress the coaching staff in the end either, as his small frame and inconsistent arm were each clearly working against him from the beginning.

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