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Tate "LL" Forcier (official thread of FABULOUS!)

I love the way you ball!


This photo of a batshit insane recruiting letter comes to us from the Instagram account Dexter Wright, a high school football player who has struck the fancy of N.C. State's director of player personnel, Drew Hughes.This is what happens when dudes who are not teenagers try to "connect" with dudes who are. It's like a mad lib that Hughes filled in after doing a Google search for "words that are cool." The fact that it is scrawled in all caps on official N.C. State letter head is just icing on the cake. This letter is unreal bro!
Be sure to compare the name with the one below:


Who is this uber kewl dude Hughes you ask?

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Ohhh Tater. Nobody will ever be able to replace the original "September" Heisman winner. Although Denard certainly did quite well as a stand in.

I'll never forget the slobber job he got after that scUM-ND game in 09'. While it was fun watching him light up the Domers, him then being pimped as a potential freshman Heisman winner was pretty comical.
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