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State of Emergency declared for 1 INCH of snow!!

I lived in Grand Rapids, MI for a while (yes, I know. I was still young and dumb) and we would get big time lake affect* snow storms. I remember one time a good 12" had fallen by midnight. I thought to myself "This is great, there's no way I'll have to go to work tomorrow." Much to my dismay, when I woke up the next day at 6:00am, all the roads were clear!! It was painfully obvious that "snow" would never be an excuse for anything in that city. They did an incredible job getting the roads clear. The one drawback was that they had the worst roads (potholes, etc.) I have ever had the misfortune to drive on. Some real rim busters.

*We need to have the great "affect" vs. "effect" debate. I looked up both words and am still not sure when to use affect over effect or vice versa. Must be some lingering affects/effects (damnit!!--which one??!!--sigh<SIGH>) from living in TSUN. :(
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Growing up in Northern Ohio and then moving to Columbus you really see a difference in snow removal. I can say that Columbus is absolutely dreadful at snow removal. I would imagine that this is because of limited budgets, and too many miles to clear, and so much traffic. I can say that after the pre Christmas storm they did an absolute Horrible job. 5 days after the storm had ended the main roads were still snowy in areas, which is unacceptable.
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daddyphatsacs said:
Growing up in Northern Ohio and then moving to Columbus you really see a difference in snow removal. I can say that Columbus is absolutely dreadful at snow removal. I would imagine that this is because of limited budgets, and too many miles to clear, and so much traffic. I can say that after the pre Christmas storm they did an absolute Horrible job. 5 days after the storm had ended the main roads were still snowy in areas, which is unacceptable.

Ditto. The Cleveland suburb I grew up in probably has almost as many snow plows as the city of Columbus. Columbus drivers in general are not good in any kind of winter weather. Even Wed. morning when the roads had 2-3 inches of snow, I was forced to go 15mph all the way to work behind a trail of idiots.
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My favorite phrase in elementary school (VA) was "canceled due to ice on the back roads." I always wondered how those mysterious back roads stayed icy after the temperature had gone back up to 75 and the rest of us were running around in shorts. :biggrin:

I'm snowed in today, with an acute case of the lazies. Yawn.
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Have fun Sus, I'd be lieing if I said that I wasn't jealous. I love big snowstorms, and it looks like Boston is going to get blasted. The snow is bad, but the 50 mile an hour winds on top of it is plain nasty. I hope you stocked up with your favorite alcoholic beverage, and a couple of good movies.
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