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Spring Football - 2005 (mega-merge)

Great post Ginn&Juice. What stood out the most to me besides Hall's playing FB was that this IS Troy's team. I loved Smith last year and all, but I was ready for a real QB dual. Not to say that it's all over, but from what you're saying it sounds like Troy has really taken the reigns. This brings me to another point.

Something I think people have really forgotten about is Troy's confidence and leadership qualities. Seeing him in the huddle (and on the field) made me feel so comfortable and relaxed just because he has such poise and demands such respect back there. Zwick on the other hand never had that to me. He played great against the other OSU, but I never saw that innate leadership in him that I think Troy came to campus with. LOVE the news...can't wait to see TS tear Texas to shreds with the rest of the ridiculous offensive playmakers we have. That Ginn news was EXCITING...though I love Youboty and hope it's only Ginn who can do that to him. :)
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I'm with you on this Cornerback6. I usually just don't worry about turning the ball over when Troys in the game. For some reason I also feel more comfortable when he's in the game.

What I liked abou this post was how they're putting Ginn at TB alittle, and how he's staying all 4 years. Also Already stated about Troy and his taking control. I like the Dukes complement!!

What I'm alittle worried about is Holmes, but I know he'll be just fine sometime early in the season. Did he injure that leg during season? I remember he had one leg tapped for awhile. We might be able to rest Holmes for the Miami game if Dukes is really going to be as good as stated.

Also I sure hope Ginn is just un godly good becuase like stated I don't like the sounds of him burning Youboty! For sure I don't think many can gaurd him very easily with his 4.2 speed. I also like the fact that our team is getting after it hardcore...

Hell I just liked all of that GinnJuice guy said.
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I think Hall should move to TE... that would be sick to try to guard, I don't know too many LB's that can cover WR's that well...

I hope the team can stay focused on the mid-level teams.... we have a shot this year...
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Make no mistake, TS is the starter for this team. JZ is playing well but TS has total control of this team. This is his team.

I have been waiting on a post like this for some time. If we want to reach our full potential, we need one of the two to step up and take ownership. I remember a quote from Craig Krenzel in an Ozone article before '02 where he basically compared the feeling that he had with his feeling before his senior year of high school. He felt like it was his team and good things were going to happen.

I just spent a fair amount of time reading through the past articles on the ozone site and couldn't find that quote. I have to say it is really neat to go back and look at those articles though. Here is one that gets close to the above quote, without actually saying it. I think that its obvious that Krenzel was the Man and McMullen was going to back him up:

Quaterback preview

The other thing that I was surprised at was how much Troy Smith was shocking everyone as a true freshman:

Lots more like these in the archives at the time

I really don't have a horse in the debate, but everything is starting to point to Smith being the Man now. We'll see how it plays out.
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Pulled hamstrings take time to heal...but they can be played on. I played basketball and track with a slightly pulled hammy and it hurt but i was still able to play. Once school was over and i let it heal it took a couple of weeks till it didn't hurt anymore, but it still kind of pinches every now and then and they can be bothersome for a while.

But I'm sure with the training staff at OSU that they'll have Holmes ready to go for the season.
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ginnandjuice said:
I have a few interesting tidbits from practice today:

Roy Hall spent some time at Fullback with the 2's. Could a switch be in place?? He was getting banged around pretty good today.

Ginn was making our first team D look like a JV team. He beat AJ and Bobby to the corner twice and that is something noone has done to date. Also, he was matched up with Youbouty and was consistantly getting open. He has really picked up his knowledge of the game and according to his dad, he will be here ALL 4 YEARS. OSU could have (2) 2 time Heisman winners. TGII also saw some time at QB and TB. He will have to be respected by the opposing team or theyare going to be burned.

Make no mistake, TS is the starter for this team. JZ is playing well but TS has total control of this team. This is his team.

Quinn Pitcock is going to be a stud. He is the most agile 310 pounder that has been seen. Nick and him battled pretty good today.

Freeman has to be in the 225-230 range. His upper body is rock solid. There will be no drop off in the LB'ers. Curtis Terry is fast.

I suspect when it is all said and done, Everitt will be starting opposite Youbouty. Great instincts and he can bring it.

Dukes is going to be great.'

Gonzo had 3 amazing catches. You can not begin to imagine how loaded OSU is at WR.

Holmes looked gimpy but they are optimistic about the injury.

There is a huge buzz throughout this team right now. Senior leadership is unlike anything seen before. There was heated battling (pushing and shoving) going on today. This team is going to be good. The spring game is going to be fun.

Wow, I got goosebumps! I just can't wait.
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We all know about and drool over ginn's game play, but how about his value as a scout for the defense? From ginnandjuice's post, I've got to think that the D will be more than prepared for vince young come september after chasing ginn around all spring and summer...especially since he is the superior athlete IMO.
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bukIpower said:
What I liked abou this post was how they're putting Ginn at TB alittle, and how he's staying all 4 years.
As much as I LOVE to here that comment, that is a long way away, and lets be honest, if he continues to progress like we all hope he will, he would be dumb to pass up his chance in the NFL... what happens if he, god forbid, has a major injury.

I always hope for our players to stay, but in the end, leaving early if you are a 1st rd pick is the smart thing to do.
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