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Spring Football - 2005 (mega-merge)

Dryden said:
Agreed. All those "big uglies" that have passed through the weight room, and the only player in the history of the program to reach the 700 plateau was the one guy who arguably half-assed everything else he ever did ... geeze, just imagine what he could've posted as a motivated junior?! :(

This is the primary reason I think MoC still gets drafted in the middle rounds this year, the kid is built like a bowling ball. Nobody ever really cared about his 40 times. What difference does it make how fast or slow you are if you can still run 5 more yards carrying the first guy to attempt a tackle on your back?
MoC, despite all his problems and flaws, never ever ever to my knowledge "half-assed" it on the practice field or in a game during his time at OSU. It remains to be seen (there is a story to the contrary, who knows how true it is), how much he really half-assed his workouts before the combine. His game also was never about speed, although he did have a second gear on the field. It was always about power and vision.

Whoever drafts MoC is going to get a heck of a running back IMO, still. It remains to be seen if the off the field stuff is too much to offset his talent. His problems off the field to date have no real bearing to the NFL so it remains to be seen how much of a problem he really is.
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cincibuckeyenut said:
MoC, despite all his problems and flaws, never ever ever to my knowledge "half-assed" it on the practice field or in a game during his time at OSU. It remains to be seen (there is a story to the contrary, who knows how true it is), how much he really half-assed his workouts before the combine. His game also was never about speed, although he did have a second gear on the field. It was always about power and vision.

Whoever drafts MoC is going to get a heck of a running back IMO, still. It remains to be seen if the off the field stuff is too much to offset his talent. His problems off the field to date have no real bearing to the NFL so it remains to be seen how much of a problem he really is.

To clarify, I refer to the next year when he was suspended originally and then this became what it eventually became and he began to disengage and just go through the motions in class and otherwise at OSU.

You could well be right about his NFL career and I hope for his sake that you are. My personal opinion is that the off-field stuff will create on-field team problems and that his injury proneness will put paid to a career of any note anyway.

Time will tell!
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cincibuckeyenut said:
His game also was never about speed, although he did have a second gear on the field.
Well, the point I was originally trying to express was that all the rumors we hear about how scouts aren't interested in MoC because of one 4.7/4.8 40 time are pretty rediculous. I agree with you completely on MoC having a second gear when he was truly motivated to demonstrate it. There were some game situations where you'd watch and think, 'Where the hell did that come from?!' Running down Parrish from behind in the Fiesta Bowl is just one example. I cannot think of any other player on that 2002 team who had the speed, strength, and awareness to make a game changing play like that.

LloydSev said:
Shouldn't that read .. "Hey, isn't this the angle of the softball pitch that you make Braylon throw so you can hit it?"
I've had a couple ideas for captions. The one I've resisted using involves Reynolds and Sorgi.
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Spring Practice notes from today 04-09-05

I have a few interesting tidbits from practice today:

Roy Hall spent some time at Fullback with the 2's. Could a switch be in place?? He was getting banged around pretty good today.

Ginn was making our first team D look like a JV team. He beat AJ and Bobby to the corner twice and that is something noone has done to date. Also, he was matched up with Youbouty and was consistantly getting open. He has really picked up his knowledge of the game and according to his dad, he will be here ALL 4 YEARS. OSU could have (2) 2 time Heisman winners. TGII also saw some time at QB and TB. He will have to be respected by the opposing team or theyare going to be burned.

Make no mistake, TS is the starter for this team. JZ is playing well but TS has total control of this team. This is his team.

Quinn Pitcock is going to be a stud. He is the most agile 310 pounder that has been seen. Nick and him battled pretty good today.

Freeman has to be in the 225-230 range. His upper body is rock solid. There will be no drop off in the LB'ers. Curtis Terry is fast.

I suspect when it is all said and done, Everitt will be starting opposite Youbouty. Great instincts and he can bring it.

Dukes is going to be great.'

Gonzo had 3 amazing catches. You can not begin to imagine how loaded OSU is at WR.

Holmes looked gimpy but they are optimistic about the injury.

There is a huge buzz throughout this team right now. Senior leadership is unlike anything seen before. There was heated battling (pushing and shoving) going on today. This team is going to be good. The spring game is going to be fun.
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Great post... roy hall at FB? now that's a new one.

Gosh, in past seasons we've been excited about one or two players, but there are so many to blabber about.

Everyone and their mother is thrilled about Dukes. Gonzo made a ton of great catches (and I don't just mean yardage) last year, so that only confirms the little we saw of him last year. If Lyons can step up and become our jumpball receiver, Mack Brown might call up and try and cancel again :wink:
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I was a little surprised at the Hall move and I do not know if it is permanent, but the guy has to be about the same size as Brandon Joe. They may have been testing him at FB to see how he responded. He is a beast. Unfortunately for him, there is no room at WR IMO. Too Much depth. I am not ruling out TE for him either.
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FWIW, I've read internet rumors that he doesn't want to play TE. Plus with Frost healthy and Hamby's experience it would be tough to beat out those guys. I'd love to have the versatility of Hall for playcalling if he could be a decent blocker.
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One more thing...as conservative as Tressel is, he must be having hard time keeping his feelings and emotions in check concerning the maturation of this team. I know it would be hard for me. It also appeares that Tressel is finally letting his athletes play THEIR game. IMO, it looks as if the coaching job is the easiest job out there this year on this team. Everyone knows what they are supposed to do. The coaches and parents have to like what they see.
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
FWIW, I've read internet rumors that he doesn't want to play TE. Plus with Frost healthy and Hamby's experience it would be tough to beat out those guys. I'd love to have the versatility of Hall for playcalling if he could be a decent blocker.
It's hard to imagine that he'd prefer fullback to tight end; plus the depth at fullback and at tight end seem pretty comparable to me (Schnittker=Hamby, Johnson=Frost). As big as Hall is, it would be pretty remarkable to see a converted wideout hitting the hole as lead blocker. I wonder if that's ever happened before; or since 1940 anyway. You're right though, if he could pull it off, you'd have to think he could bring some interesting options to the offensive set.
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zincfinger said:
You're right though, if he could pull it off, you'd have to think he could bring some interesting options to the offensive set.
He'd be very dangerous on the screen pass, thats for sure (as long as we have a TB in that is a good blocker)! I think this kid has too much strength and too much talent to be sitting on the bench. Though I'd love to see him as a pass-catching TE, I can see him play FB if he bulked up a little more. Definetly food for thought!
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I dont understand how pushing and shoving amongst teammmates is good

Intensity is good. Intensity on a football field leads to pushing and shoving. As mild mannered as JT is he coaches contact football. If these guys spend all Spring and all Fall banging each other they will be having fun come September.

Hall at FB is a huge surprise to me. Often when somebody doesn't want to move from WR to TE it is because they don't want all the contact. FB? Wow.

RB looks more and more like the key to this team. Everything else is there but all those speed weapons double in power if you have to respect the run.
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zincfinger said:
It's hard to imagine that he'd prefer fullback to tight end; plus the depth at fullback and at tight end seem pretty comparable to me (Schnittker=Hamby, Johnson=Frost).
You have to add Nichol to the depth at TE. I also don't think that Schnittker or Johnson = Hamby and Frost. Grant it, I don't know if I've seen Johnson carry the ball, but he seem's to be a one dimensional FB. Scnittker doesn't even seem to be one dimensional. With the exception of his catch in 'The Game' a few years ago, I haven't seen much out of him at all. If Hall can block, and we know he can catch. Maybe he could be an adequate to dangerous threat coming out of the backfield.

ginnandjuice said:
One more thing...as conservative as Tressel is, he must be having hard time keeping his feelings and emotions in check concerning the maturation of this team. I know it would be hard for me. It also appeares that Tressel is finally letting his athletes play THEIR game.
What? Coach Tressel has been letting his athletes play their game since he got here. See all the wins? He's had these guys playing the style that they could win with. Now that we've got all this speed that style happens to be wide open. Look at his days at YSU and tell me that he had a conservative approach.

Otherwise, nice report from practice there ginnandjuice.
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zincfinger said:
I wonder if that's ever happened before; or since 1940 anyway. You're right though, if he could pull it off, you'd have to think he could bring some interesting options to the offensive set.
FSU had a QB convert to FB a while back, a very highly touted QB at that (Dan Kendra). Nevertheless it still seems very strange. Halls height does not seem ideal for a FB...they usually have a lower center of gravity
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