Wow. I just found this thread last night, to be 100% honest with you. Go ahead and check my register date, and it then follows that I would never consider myself very well groomed in anything that has to do with the internet. Honestly, I don't even remember how I was lucky enough to stumble across buckeyeplanet in the first place. All I know is that I am glad it happened.
I have been a Buckeye fan since the good Lord put me on this Earth. 9/9/80. Go ahead and write off those first few developmental years,but after that is around when I became aware. 26 years strong, very soon is 27. It has actually been hard for me to explain to certain people that I meet/deal with, of exactly why and/or how the Buckeyes even matter as much as they do. And that is the best reason that I can think of that something guided me to this website.
Whether it was my dad or my grandpa/uncles, or most likely a combination of the two, I can remember going to games in Ohio Stadium since I was just a little tyke. I would have to go back to look at my ticket stubs to get an accurate reading of possibly my first visit inside the 'shoe, but without a doubt there have been many. I was captivated by the amount of fanfare involved, and soon I was gobbled up in the O-H-I-O chants, and I'll be damned if there was ever any looking back!!!
I lived in Morrill Tower for 2 years, so if any more explaining needs done here, you don't know the campus very well. I relished the ability to wake up at 11, and make a noon kickoff. Quite a far cry from driving 2 hours just to get into town. During this time, I met a lot of former Buckeye players, most of which I will not even bother you with, but among those my favorite was without a doubt, DT Ryan Pickett. Pick came down to our dorm room and challenged us at such games as Dr. Mario and NCAA Gamebreaker football, which these days must seem like a bore, but I'll tell ya, he is an imposing figure. But a G'D teddy Bear! Such a great guy, and there are actually many others. Damn I love this team.
I know far less than a lot of folks who frequent this board, but I don't come here to enlighten, I come here to be enlightened. And I will continue to do so. It's not always about Buckeye football, as you all well know. My Brother-in-law recently accepted the head coaching job for Cincinnati Hughes Center H.S. Varsity Basketball, so if anyone has questions on this matter, I will certainly do my best to provide you with what I know. Basically, I would love to PAY IT FORWARD!!!!!! As Coach Hayes would hope for, and as so many of you have done before me.....
Wow...I don't know what to say besides...Go Bucks!!!...and of course,